Update on Re-Districting in Broome Co.

from Indivisible-Binghamton

  Here’s an update on the redistricting of the Broome County Legislature and an introduction to Fair Maps for Broome, Inc. ;   https://www.fairmapsforbroome.org/

As you know, dozens of people joined in more than ten zoom meetings and testified at three public hearings about the redistricting process. Every single speaker opposed Map 3, the map with the greatest inequality of population, the most partisan bias, and the division of the Town of Maine into three different districts – despite direction in the New York state law that took effect in October that sets clear standards for county redistricting.  Nevertheless, the Legislature adopted Map 3 and the County Executive approved it on January 31, 2022. It takes effect in mid-March.   We believe it fails to meet the state requirements.

Because of what these elected officials chose to do, the only way at this point to insure that Broome County follows the State law is to take legal action.  Your informal steering committee has organized Fair Maps for Broome, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation; engaged legal counsel; and set up up a GoFundMe page and website:  https://www.fairmapsforbroome.org/

You are the core group of fair map supporters and we are pleased to unveil the website.  YOU are the first to know. An anonymous donor has already generously offered to match the first $5,000.00 raised.  Yes, litigation is costly, but Democracy and the Rule of Law are priceless!

Please take action:
–Share https://www.fairmapsforbroome.org/ with EVERYONE YOU KNOW.
–Spread the word!
–If you’d like to help further,  email us at

We are looking for short statements that we can put on the website from people all  over the County stating why fair maps matter to them.  Any fundraising help you can provide will be invaluable – please let us know if you can make calls.

We look forward to working together on this vital aspect of local democracy.

Steering Committee
Jan Beal, Matthew Johnson. John Perticone, Lori Schapiro, Amy Shapiro, Dennis Sheehan

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