When the Cooperative Gallery closed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we needed a way to keep in touch, support, and challenge each to continue to create art but now in isolation.

We offered all current and former Gallery Exhibiting Artist a challenge and ten artists took up the offer. The Challenge Circle Artists are: Barbara Bernstein, BetsyJo Williams, Carolyn Gilligan, Eileen Schlag, Geof Gould, Jean Luongo, Judy Salton, Karen Kuff-Demicco, Kit Ashman & MaryRose.

The challenge worked this way. On the WEEK ONE each of the ten artists choose an existing piece of their artwork and e-mailed it to the person in the circle assigned to them, “their person”. Each artist receiving the work had one week to create a new piece of artwork that was inspired by the piece that they received. At the end of that week again e-mail to “their person”, so that on WEEK TWO, and each subsequent week, every artist received new work to inspire a new creation.

Think of it like the gossip game, where someone whispers something to one person who in-turn whispers it to the next, round and round the circle until all have heard the story. Only difference being the whisper is artwork (and there are TEN OF THEM) created and passed on each week until each piece of art has passed through the creative hands of all ten artists. Resulting in 90 pieces of Inspired Art plus the original ten.

The series will, in the near future, be shown on our website along with the two NEW SIX WEEK CHALLENGES that began last week. Stop by the gallery to see the work!

The Cooperative Gallery will open for August First Friday with paintings by Ken Weir and Carolyn Gilligan with a special exhibit of the late Glenda Blake’s work and members’ art.