Binghamton City Council Work Session Report – 7.8.24

This is a (very brief) summary of legislation discussed at the Binghamton City Council Work Session on July 8th, 2024. These Requests for Legislation would be voted on at a later City Council Business Meeting. 




RL 24-139: A Resolution to accept funding from the District Attorney’s Office to assist with expenses related to discovery and pretrial. Presented by Joseph Zikuski, Chief of Police.

  • Summary: Creates new “Discovery Officer” position for BPD. Pays $82k. Result of Governor Cuomo’s criminal justice reform in 2020 that set a short deadline for prosecutors to hand over discovery evidence to defense.

RL 24-136: An Ordinance to repeal Chapter 292, Noise, of the City Charter and Code of Ordinances. Presented by Sophie Bergman, Corporation Counsel.

RL 24-137: An Ordinance to establish Chapter 292, Noise, of the City Charter and Code of Ordinances. Presented by Sophie Bergman, Corporation Counsel.

  • Summary: These two ordinances would repeal and replace the current Noise ordinance. The new one is based on the noise ordinance in Syracuse. Councilmembers complained that parts of the ordinance are vague and sent the legislation to the Municipal and Public Affairs committee by a 6-0 vote (Porter absent). Corporation Counsel and City Council were unsure how this might affect the special permit granted to Abel’s for outdoor music.

RL 24-138: A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for the purchase of St. Mary’s Recreation Center. Presented by Sophie Bergman, Corporation Counsel.

  • Summary: The City Council already approved funding for this purchase. This legislation is to approve the actual purchase of the church. Expedited 6-0.

RL 24-135: An Ordinance amending Code Chapter 307 to clarify peddler and pushcart license application timeline and establish Fire Marshal inspection authority*. Presented by Nate Hotchkiss, Councilmember.

  • Summary: Updating language in the application for a vending license. There was a long discussion about what the application process would look like. There are a total of six licenses available that need to be renewed annually and the discussion mostly focused on deadlines, how to determine who gets what space, etc.

See you tonight at 6:00 for voting and public comment at the City Council Business Meeting. Here’s the agenda.

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