Dot-Dash-Ring is the Secret De-Coder Ring tone
Dot-Dash-Ring is the Secret De-Coder Ring tone app, US Edition, that generates a new ringtone in Morse Code for every caller, with only one download. Download your copy for $0.99 at:
With Dot-Dash-Ring, the identity of incoming callers repeats in Morse Code three times or until you answer.
The ringtone code is based on either your contact list or the incoming number. Blocked numbers will not be revealed;
nothing is stored on your phone or in the cloud. Only those who know Morse Code will know who's calling you.
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Dot-Dash-Ring is an Android app that works with alpha-numeric data, not pictographs. It works best if your contact list data does not include the US Country Code (+1). Dot-Dash-Ring app features a Morse Code lookup table and a slider to control output speed. Double the speed as you gain confidence in recognizing patterns of dots and dashes.
The Dot-Dash-Ring app celebrates the world's first land-based mobile messages telegraphed between moving trains and railroad stations in Binghamton, NY and Scranton, PA, a year and a half after the Titanic signaled rescue ships in Morse Code. Profits from Dot-Dash-Ring support development of TechWorks!, a destination experience that will showcase globally-important, locally-grown technology in a vintage ice cream factory down the street from the Binghamton railroad station that received the first mobile message in November 1913.
Morse Code – it’s cool. <dot-dash-ringtone logo.png> Questions, suggestions for upgrade – email
Copyright 2016 Center for Technology & Innovation, Inc.
Dot-Dash-Ring is the Secret De-Coder Ring tone Read More »