Latest Past Events

Peace Vigil

Federal Building 15 Henry Street, Binghamton

A Peace Vigil has been held at the Federal Building on Monday afternoons since 1999. During Eastern Standard time we are there from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. When we change our clocks to Day Light Savings Time, we change the time to 4:30 till 5:30 PM. If the weather is particularly bad we cancel the […]

Peace Vigil

Federal Building 15 Henry Street, Binghamton

A Peace Vigil has been held at the Federal Building on Monday afternoons since 1999. During Eastern Standard time we are there from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. When we change our clocks to Daylight Saving time, we change the time to 4:30 till 5:30 PM. If the weather is particularly bad we cancel the vigil. […]

Fair Elections Day at Legislature


Tuesday February 12. Leaving for Albany by bus from Citizen Action office 477 State St., Binghamton at 7:30 am with stop in Oneonta. Rally in front of the capitol in the morning and  visits with legislators in the afternoon. Transportation and lunch free. Expected time of return 5:30-6:30. For sign up go to website.  

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