A Victory and a Loss

First, the victory:
This past Monday, Governor Cuomo called to halt the construction of the Algonquin Incremental Markets (AIM) Pipeline. This is a tremendous victory, and is the first time (I believe) a Governor has demanded a halt to construction of an interstate pipeline. We hope that this paves the way for to halt the Constitution Pipeline by denying the 401 Water Quality Permit.

Second, the loss:
The Hollerans have been tapping the maple syrup on their land for some time, and had their trees taken by Constitution tree cutting crews, with heavily armed US Federal Marshals. This is an insane use of eminent domain to trample landowners rights. The tree cutting has happened before NY has granted all of the permits for the pipeline, including a 401 Water Quality Permit, which, if denied, could end the project. Please see Ecowatch's great coverage, and Gerri's really heartbreaking footage.
Pick up the phone today and call Governor Cuomo and ask him to deny the 401 Water Quality Permit, 518-474-8390.

Other things:
I hope you will consider joining us on Wednesday evening here at the Citizen Action office, 477 State Street for a meeting to chat about different efforts happening locally and across the state
Rough Agenda:
– Fracking infrastructure- what's happening across the region and how to stop it
– Reforming the Energy Vision- what it means (in 5 minutes or fewer, and how we can influence it in the best way)
– New York Renews- an exciting new coalition aimed to target climate change and just transition
WHAT: Environmental Strategy Session
WHERE: Citizen Action of NY, 477 State Street, Binghamton, NY, 13901
Facebook event to invite friends to and share: https://www.facebook.com/events/1188036981208177/
WHEN: 6:30-8:30, Wednesday, March 9

One more thing: Our friends in Ithaca are doing awesome work highlighting infrastructure struggles, through Ecodefense Radio. Consider signing up for their newsletter!!


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Westside Neighborhood Crime Watch

Event: Westside Neighborhood Crime Watch public discussion

Hosted by: Binghamton City Council Woman Dani Cronce

When: March 4th at 7pm.

Where: Champz Sports Grille, 11 Main Street, Binghamton

Dani Cronce, Binghamton Police and BU police liaison are excited to create a neighborhood Crime Watch focused on the needs of the Westside residents. Residents and business owners are encouraged to attend this public meeting. We will have a public discussion on the implementation of an active and productive community watch. Residents will have time for questions and answers.

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Providing Welcoming and Affirming Care for Transgender People

Professional Training Day: Friday, March 18, 2016  9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
University Downtown Center
Room 220 A/B
67 Washington St, Binghamton, NY

Join us for an informative session on Providing Welcoming and Affirming Care for Transgender People led by Maureen Kelly from Out for Health, with Victoria Rizzo, BU Department of Social Work.  See more information here.

$12/person includes lunch $40/person includes lunch and 4 Social Work Continuing Education Contact Hours *
Kindly register by March 14. Cancellation Policy:  Full refunds will be granted to those who call the Lesbian and Gay Family Building Project/Pride and Joy Families at 607.777.3717 on or before March 11.

This event is provided in conjunction with the 2016 Pride and Joy Families Weekend Conference, March 18-20, Binghamton, NY.  See more information here.
* Binghamton University – SUNY, Social Work Department SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0143.

We look forward to seeing you!
Registration Deadline:Monday, March 14, 2016 7:00 a.m. (CST)

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VINES Community Gardens NOW available

VINES is now taking applications for community garden plots for the 2016 season. Community gardens are located throughout Binghamton, with different bed sizes and garden features in each. Check out our Community Gardens page on our website to learn more about each garden. Attached is the Community Garden Plot Application. Please submit a complete application to us and we will put you in contact with the site coordinator.
VINES Community Gardens

Laurel Ave. Community Garden (128 Laurel Ave. Binghamton, NY) Westside
Pine Street Community Garden (67 Pine St. Binghamton, NY) Downtown
Corbett Ave. Community Garden (26 Corbett Ave. Binghamton, NY) Southside
Columbus Park Community Garden (26 Columbus Park East. Binghamton, NY) Downtown
Liberty Street Community Garden (79 Liberty St. Binghamton, NY) Northside
Gregory Lane Community Garden (9 Gregory Ln. Binghamton, NY) First Ward 
Mather Street Community Garden (26 Mather St. Binghamton, NY) Westside

Affiliate Gardens

Salvation Army Community Garden (530 State Street, Binghamton, NY) Northside
Phelps Park Community Garden (60 Bevier Street, Binghamton, NY) Northside

VINES is an organization committed to developing a sustainable and just community food system. We do this by bringing together diverse groups of people, with a focus on youth development, to establish community gardens, urban agriculture and community green spaces. We strive to develop and beautify urban sites and empower community members of all ages and abilities.

For more information:  www.vinesgardens.org

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TRASH! A Collaborative ECO Art Exhibit Call for Submissions

TRASH! A Collaborative ECO Art Exhibit Curated by Peg Johnston

June 2- 25th,  2016 at the Cooperative Gallery 213 Binghamton NY


“I am fascinated with materials that most would call waste and creating something new from them,” says Peg Johnston, an artist at the Cooperative Gallery in Binghamton NY.  TRASH!  invites other artists, both local and national, to join a first- ever exhibit of Eco Art in this area June 2- 25th, 2016. Works using any of a variety of waste materials from paper to plastics, fabric to scrap metal, styrofoam to recycled wood are welcome. Beyond use of non-traditional art materials, works in this show will bring attention to the plight of our environment and our role in both creating and remediating destruction.

Submit jpegs of your work to m.r.johnston@icloud.com by May 15th, 2016. Accepted works must be received by May 26th for non-local works. There is no fee for entry, but the usual 20% commission to the gallery applies.

A series of workshops on Eco-Art media will lead up to the June exhibit: the first is "Cardboard Art" on Sunday March 6th from 12-4 pm, an exploration of cardboard as a sustainable and versatile medium. (Download flyer below) The second is a workshop April 9-10th with Bruce Greig on making sculpture out of styrofoam. Bruce has experience in set design after working on The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and King Kong. The workshop will appeal to theater set designers. There is a $60 fee for the two day workshop. The third workshop is in Handmade Paper Making in May TBA.

Says Johnston about this collaborative exhibit, “This show builds on my long term interest in giving voice to environmental concerns which I have addressed in the Book as Art show and the “Plastic is Forever” waterfall of water bottles in the Gallery’s Off the Wall show. It was immediately inspired by picking up fast food container trash in my neighborhood.”  A series of workshops are planned to explore the re-use of various materials to create art.

TRASH! takes its creative inspiration from several contemporary artists who are working in various media, all using materials found in the waste stream.  El Anatsui of Ghana creates elaborate tapestries from flattened liquor bottle caps and other scrap paper. He says, “I have a desire to manipulate the material to get something else out of it.” He models a personal mission that encourages artists to look at everyday consumer products and see their potential as high art, as vehicles for expression that go beyond craft making or green initiatives.

South African Mbongeni Buthelezi states, “I collect rubbish and create something beautiful from it. I collect something that has no value and give it new life.” He recycles plastic into his artwork.

Bryant Holsenbeck of North Carolina says, “Americans continue to create more garbage, per capita, than any other culture, yet we are blind to our waste…. I collect many things, among them, bottle caps, credit cards, plastic bags, straws and lids, beach plastic and chop sticks. I use these everyday items to make work, which transforms the objects and surprises us.” She creates installations using massive amounts of discarded plastic and other materials as well as creating small animals, re-purposed books, and birds made of credit cards, all of which bring attention to our impact on the environment.

Mark Bradford, of South Central Los Angeles creates monumental works using layers of paper found on streets and from discarded materials. His work has been displayed worldwide and in prestigious museums.

 Rosalie Gascoigne (1917-1999) used different materials in  distinctive grid patterns and other assemblages. “Through the artist’s skill in making poetry of the commonplace and her intrinsic response to both her chosen materials and the particularities of the Australian landscape, we are able to witness her unique ability to evocatively capture and convey the essence of nature and the transitory and captivating effects of light, air and space,” according to a review of a 2009 show.









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Sponsored by PAST Preservation Association of the Southern Tier   May 3rd to May 29th

Broome County has been home to many and has a rich history. In the "Everyone Has A Hometown" Photography Contest, sponsored by the Preservation Association of the Southern Tier, we invite you to submit original photographs that highlight and celebrate the historical, architectural and cultural uniqueness of Broome County. Through this competition we hope to advocate, educate and encourage civic engagement. All entries will be on display at the ART Mission and Theater gallery beginning on May 6th and throughout the month of May.

Deadline: Tuesday, May 3rd, 3:00 to 6:30

Entrants may bring their framed photography to the ART Mission and Theater, 61 Prospect Street, Binghamton (www.artmission.org). All photos must be of Broome County. Applications will be available at the ART Mission, at the PAST Salvage Center, 21 North Depot Street and PAST’s web site (www.pastny.org).  Each photo requires a short application and a $15 entrance fee. Students in high school or middle school will have a $10 fee. Make checks payable to PAST.

Photos need to be framed and ready to be hung.  A 3×5 card needs to be attached to the back of the frame and be filled out with the title of the picture, the location, and the photographer’s name, email address and phone number. Note: The photographer does not have to be from the town that they photograph.  Judges will use the number assigned to the frame to determine winners.

Download application below.


Susquehanna County, Pa. Family and Friends Defend the Trees from the Gas Pipeline

by Vera Scroggins

Here comes another gas pipeline through our county just south of the Broome County, NY border. This one is 30" wide and 124 miles long, 24 miles in Pa. and 100 miles in New York. We've been fracked since 2008 and now hold 1400 gas holes / gas wells, 45 Gas Compressor Stations spewing out their daily toxins and industrial noise, loads of industry traffic pounding our rural roads, and an endless web of high-pressure, gas pipelines crisscrossing the county till we are surrounded by Industrial squalor.

Some families said, "NO", to the pipelines cutting through their fields and forests and went to court to fight the Williams Energy Company and Cabot Oil and Gas. The Industry would not take , "No", for an answer. The Court ruled in favor of the Industry and now the reality of Eminent Domain has dominated these landowners' lives.

One Family decided to take a major stand and not just roll over for the Corporate Machine. This family, the Hollerans and Zeffers of New Milford, Pa. on Three Lakes Rd. have amassed a growing, supportive following of citizens who also want to help them defend the land, the trees, and property rights and value. The Trees in particular are Maple Trees that are tapped for their sap which is running way early this year since the end of January. They are cooking down the sap into Maple Syrup and continuing their Maple Syrup Business and now the area has also become a camp for Defending the Trees and Stopping the Constitution Pipeline at this property. Fourteen days of cooking sap over the fire and holding camp with shelters and signs and food for the Defenders and a Passionate, Caring Community supporting each other to do what others would not dare to do: Stop the Big Corporate Machine from rolling over another community, county, group of landowners to forever change the landscape of Rural America into a smoking, toxic, air and water-polluting Industrial Zone; all in the Name of the Capitalist Dream of never-ending profits at the expense of clean air and water and the Rights of Nature.

The Hollerans/Zeffers and Supporters will continue their Watch and Stand daily from about 7 am. to the evening hours till they can't cut anymore on April 1st. There is a time limit to all this. We stopped the Chainsaw Crew that came this past Wednesday to cut the trees and talked them out of it and Earth Justice has filed a motion to FERC to review and stay this pipeline. Come and join us and keep the Chainsaws away and meet folks with guts and a vision. A love for the land and their trees and their Rights as Americans to Choose what they want, the life they want to continue to lead, the Right to Protest and Resist any Invader including Corporate / Fracking America.

Contact the following for info: If you are planning to come, call Megan 570-709-3268 or Alex 570-269-9589 or Vera Scroggins 607-237-9685. The location is 2131 Three Lakes Road, New Milford, PA, 18834 or use these coordinates: 41.8272387, -75.7585062.

God / Goddess Bless the Trees and their Protectors. Check out this link of an article with photos and a video of the tree-cutting going on at other parts in our county that are undefended. http://www.dcmediagroup.us/2016/02/11/pennsylvania-farm-defended-constitution-pipeline-tree-cutters/ Reporting from Susquehanna County, Pa.: Vera Scroggins , Citizens for Clean Water, 607-237-9685

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Binghamton University to digitally preserve local history through Past 2 Future Project

BINGHAMTON, NY – You might have preserved your grandmother’s wedding gown for posterity, or plan to pass a cherished family necklace along to your children, but what about photos, films, letters and other records – the kind of records that tell stories so easily lost?
What if you could have them digitized at no cost to you?
Binghamton University’s Past 2 Future Project (P2F) can do just that and is actively seeking letters, documents, photos, diaries, movies, audio-tapes and other records that depict the rich history of individuals and organizations in the Southern Tier. Students will digitize the records, return them and a digital copy to the owner, and Binghamton University will retain a copy for students, faculty and the community to use for research.
Kevin Wright, P2F director, has developed the project to be a true University-community connection, and one that opens up several paths for undergraduate research:
through information collection, processing and preservation (film digitization, cataloguing, preserving paper records and life-history interviewing);
by interpreting and analyzing the information; and
through independent research mentored by faculty members.
Wright’s vision is that some important themes or tracks will emerge from the digitized materials. “What I hope and think will happen is that we will start to accumulate a lot of information and some important tracks will emerge, like in innovation, entrepreneurship, immigration, environmental impact – and we can actually use the project as a recruitment device for getting freshmen here,” he said. “We will teach them research methods and they’ll have real, live data to do research in their second semester of their freshman year.”
A number of students are already involved in P2F, and will begin a series of oral histories with local residents in the spring semester, while others train on digitizing material.
As the digitized collection grows, it will provide scholars and students with valuable data for exploration and analysis that will provide the people of the Southern Tier with documentation of the area’s rich history, accomplishments, failures and everyday life over time.
There is certainly plenty of material out there. “Pretty much any time I talk to someone about it, they say ‘I’ve got something for you,’” said Wright, who noted P2F will be in the data collection stage well into the next semester and next year.
“We need a sufficient amount of data before we can hand it to students,” he said. “As a researcher, collecting data and beginning to put it into user format is also part of the research project, not for the analysis, but by being actively engaged in data collection and data management.”
P2F is located in the Nelson Rockefeller Center, Room 262, at Binghamton University. Contact Wright at wright@binghamton.edu or call 607-427-2051.

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What Happens After The Bin?

A lot of us have good intentions. When we’re provided the option to recycle, we toss what we think of as recyclable trash into the appropriate bin, and assume our job is over: Our waste will be recycled, and we’ve done our part. But, as we are about to learn, this isn’t always true. All plastic is not created equal. Some plastic, like the durable #1 PET (also called PETE, and when recycled, rPET), is inherently reusable—it can be melted down and reused again and again without loss of function. And other types of plastics not as easily recycled wind up in land?lls.

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