The Southern Tier is going solar!

Southern Tier Solar Works (STSW), a program of the Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition (BRSC), is launching Solarize Southern Tier East (SSTE), to bring solar energy to our area.  SSTE offers homeowners and small businesses a path to energy savings that are fixed, predictable, and long-term.
The SSTE campaign will serve Broome, Tioga, Chenango, Delaware and Otsego Counties, and will partner with three competitively-selected, installer partners—Astrum Solar, ETM Solar/TAITEM Engineering, and Renovus Energy—with the goal of doubling existing residential solar in the five counties. The SSTE 2015 campaign is a limited-time initiative designed to incentivize “going solar” with the help of a streamlined site-assessment process and group discounts. Online enrollment will run thru June 10th. Early enrollment and contracting is rewarded through higher State incentives and earlier installations. Registration and all program information will be available at:
The public will have 10 weeks to enroll during this campaign.  The more people who sign up, the lower their cost becomes. Installations will begin this summer, with most completed before winter of 2015. Financing is available through NYSERDA’s Green Jobs Green New York program and through select banks and credit unions.
Two program launch events and more than 30 community meetings, brown bag lunches, and solar home tours across the five-county region – all free and open to the public – will give participants opportunities to learn what it takes to go solar.
Solarize programs jump-start regional solar markets, lower price volatility and bring energy independence to our communities. By increasing our energy efficiency and our use of renewable energy sources, New York can become a national leader in the clean energy economy. Solar power is the most plentiful, free, and constant source of energy on our planet.
Don’t be left out!  Be a part of an energy future that will benefit our entire society—from local job growth, to lower energy costs, to the improved health and well-being of our communities. Come to a Solarize Community Meeting this spring!

Community Meeting
Wednesday, April 15th: Vestal Public Library
320 Vestal Parkway East, VESTAL, NY  7:00-9:00 pm
Solar Tour
Saturday, April 18th: Owego-Apalachin
10 am – 2 pm
Registration information available by calling 607-342-3159
Community Meeting
Monday, April 20th: Broome County Public Library
185 Court Street, BINGHAMTON, NY  6:00-8:00 pm
Southern Tier Earth Fest – Exhibition
Saturday, April 25th: SUNY Broome Community College
907 Upper Front Street, BINGHAMTON, NY 10 am–4 pm
Community Meeting
Wednesday, April 29th: Spencer Town Hall
79 E Tioga Street, SPENCER, NY  7:00-9:00 pm

and other locations and time, please call

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Fracking May Not Have Been Banned in New York

Contrary to Widespread Opinion Shale Fracking May Not Have Been Banned in New York

It is a huge mistake in politics to declare victory before you are absolutely certain that you have won. The applicable rule is "trust, but verify." That is why we must clarify the Cuomo administration's recent landmark decision to prohibit shale fracking in New York. When the New York State Department of Health (DOH) released A Public Health Review of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF) for Shale Gas Development on December 17, 2014, it was widely reported that shale fracking had been banned in New York.

Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that we do not know that for certain. The Public Health Review recommended that Shale fracking "should not proceed in New York," but we do not know if it will be banned for good. This is a critically important distinction for reasons explained below. The Public Health Review report makes no mention of banning shale fracking or enacting any kind of permanent shale fracking prohibition. You can read the report for yourself:  When the Cuomo administration announced the Public Health Review, no shale fracking ban was declared by Governor Cuomo, Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard A. Zucker, or Environmental Conservation Commissioner, Joe Martens.  You can watch the meeting in its entirety:

What Does the DOH Public Health Review Actually Recommend?

The Public Health Review simply concludes on page two: "Until the science provides sufficient information to determine the level of risk to public health from HVHF to all New Yorkers and whether the risks can be adequately managed, DOH recommends that HVHF should not proceed in New York State (emphasis added)." Unfortunately, the Public Health Review does not say how long shale fracking "should not proceed in New York" or how authorities in our state should determine that "the science provides sufficient information to determine the level of risk to public health from HVHF to all New Yorkers and whether the risks can be adequately managed…" After all our incredible hard work, these extraordinarily important questions cannot be left to chance and must be fully resolved before it is too late. That is why I write today.

Preventing Adoption of an Inadequate Final SGEIS is More Important Than Ever

DEC Commissioner Martens stated during the cabinet meeting that the Public Health Review findings and recommendations would be implemented by adopting a Final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS). We have no idea what is going on due to a total lack of openness and transparency about the scope of the Final SGEIS. Nevertheless, it could be released any day. Extreme caution is warranted in this matter because the SGEIS was originally intended to permit shale fracking in New York State. That is made perfectly clear by its title: "Well Permit Issuance for Horizontal Drilling and High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale and Other Low-Permeability Gas Reservoirs." In short, it is imperative that we prevent any Final SGEIS from being adopted until we are certain that it would translate the Public Health Review's critically important findings and recommendations into public policy reality. In addition, shale fracking must not be permitted by the Final SGEIS until all of the documented concerns about that proceeding are fully resolved.

Read a formatted alert:

That is the purpose of our latest self-explanatory coalition letter:


For more than five years, the New York Marcellus Shale campaign has focused on preventing adoption of an inadequate Final SGEIS that could greenlight shale fracking. Achieving that goal is more important than ever. The Public Health Review notes: "Based on this review, it is apparent that the science surrounding HVHF activity is limited, only just beginning to emerge, and largely suggests only hypotheses about potential public health impacts that need further evaluation (emphasis added)." See page one. At a minimum, we must make sure that no shale fracking is allowed in New York: "Until the science provides sufficient information to determine the level of risk to public health from HVHF to all New Yorkers and whether the risks can be adequately managed…" If that onerous requirement can be enforced, shale fracking might not be permitted in New York for decades to come, if ever. If the Cuomo administration actually bans shale fracking by adopting a permanent, legally binding prohibition, so much the better.

Fracking May Not Have Been Banned in New York Read More »

THE TAKERS DO NOT WANT TO SHARE – What the Press will not print.

While billionaires buy their own islands at $15 million a clip to park their yachts, the top 10 hedge fund managers only pay 15% tax on their $12 billion(compared to 70% in the past) while you pay 20% if you are lucky to make $40,000, or you may have lost your home in the mortgage debacle or from your health care bankruptcy. Citigroup with $6.4 B and J.P. Morgan with $17.2 B in 2013 paid NO taxes. The MAKERS are all on Wall Street along with the banks like HSBC who laundered money to dodge taxes while George Will’s TAKERS wait in the food line for over an hour. What George does not tell you(Press Jan 22) about his policy wonk Nicholas Eberstadt is that he is funded by the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute, a right-wing, pro-business think tank. Even though George and Eberstadt state the growth in their ‘welfare state’ occurred to those who were ‘means- tested’ (which means they qualified by the Puritanical hoop they jumped), they blame it on a lack of personal character. And where do the CEOs of the media empires who spread the greed message take responsibility? The wealthy do not like it that the paupers picked up their cocaine habits and want one of their tvs. Even though 80% of the middle class has awoken to the lack of jobs sent overseas and that the bill was sent to them, these economists will not take the responsibility for these policies and the income inequality, instead they cry foul. The lower-skilled workers have known this for 25 years as the manufacturing jobs vanished. Instead they should tell the capitalists to make more jobs. The gall of dumping people on charity and then blaming them. The playing field is not fair nor level. “Privilege is not knowing that you’re hurting others and not listening when they tell you.”—Dashanne Stokes So how does the trickle down of greed play out locally? Foremost it began with shallow giveaways to millionaire developers that pay no taxes and then leave town while local four-unit landlords had a 30% tax increase. Then came raising the bus rates. The lack of a seat and your claustrophobia does not matter. More rural Tioga lost bus service. Further proof we are eliminating human services was the closure of the County mental health clinic. Some private providers already closed the intake door, other mentally ill are jammed up waiting months for treatment. Even though you do not know them, someone who cannot afford their medication lurkes in the health care shadows. The proposed TPP will extend monopoly drug patents for pharmaceutical giants maintaining high prices. And will the poor elderly be easily visited by their family and protected by local accountability in the County nursing home or tossed aside like the mentally ill? Heed the words of John Adams: “Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men..”

THE TAKERS DO NOT WANT TO SHARE – What the Press will not print. Read More »

Sustainability — Its Meaning and Lifestyle

The Susquehanna Group of Sierra Club, on Tuesday, March 17, presents Aimee Heavey, to discuss “Sustainability, it’s true meaning and implications for the future.”
Heavey, a Binghamton native, is a former National Park Ranger who recently moved back to the area to pursue a life of sustainability. Her work focuses on educating communities and developing thriving, sustainable, local food systems and economies in order to address multiple global issues, including economic uncertainty, peak oil, and climate instability.
She will discuss how people are pursuing the sustainability movement on the ground, and how we can all strive to live more sustainably.
The meeting on Tues., March 17, at 7:30 p.m., will be held at Central United Methodist Church, 17 Nanticoke Ave., Endicott. The public is invited, free of charge. For more information, contact Scott Lauffer at

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A Bad Idea Part II Metro Center Parking

A Bad Idea Part IIA Guest Viewpoint was recently published in this space regarding the questionable conversion of the MetroCenter Plaza in downtown Binghamton into a ten space parking lot, at what amounts to about $35,000 a space.  Much has happened since that initial piece.

Members of the Commission on Architecture and Urban Design (CAUD) were the first to raise concerns about this project.  Other concerned citizens also raised meaningful points and voiced these in person at City Council Meetings.  As a member of the City’s Planning Commission at the time, I also voiced my concerns. We were all told by the Administration that CAUD approval was not needed, that our claims were inaccurate and untrue.  Good citizens raising questions were told Traffic Board review and approval was not needed, that our concerns were inaccurate and untrue.  Taxpayers watching the city’s spending habits were told that the Mayor could use unspent Bond Funds from another Capital projects without any other approvals, that our objections were inaccurate and untrue.  We were told that the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) was not applicable, that our concerns were inaccurate and untrue.

How time changes circumstances.  Since these concerns were raised, the Administration has now engaged CAUD, sought approval from the City’s Traffic Board, acknowledged the need for new bonding authority to fund this project and committed to compliance with SEQRA.  All of this begs the question, what was the Administration trying to do before these issues were raised?

I think the answer is pretty clear.  The goal was to circumvent the existing process, those checks and balances that are in place to ensure good governance, and deliver a quality project that benefits the public’s interest.  This was an attempt by the Administration to force this project through the process hoping no one would notice.  The ultimate goal of the project the benefit of a select few at the expense of the many.

So what can we say to this?  At the February 18th City Council meeting, Council members will have to decide whether to borrow the funds and ultimately build the project.  Is spending $350,000 of our tax dollars a good investment for ten parking spaces?  If we are going to bond, and borrow from our future, shouldn’t it benefit more of our citizens?

A colleague pointed out to me in an e-mail that it took three years of strong advocacy to get $25,000 invested in the ball park and bathhouse at Columbus Park. West End Park will get tens of thousands of dollars in investments this coming year, but largely because of a state grant. It took eight years to reach agreement to borrow $100,000 to tear down the First Ward Pool. Through the Design Your Own Park, resident groups on the North Side and West Side worked tirelessly for a few years to get $20,000 in public investments in new park spaces.

Neighborhood parks are used by thousands of our city's families, kids, and individuals every year! Is Council really going to approve borrowing $350,000 to build a ten space parking lot in the heart of our downtown, two blocks from the City’s three parking ramps, all of which are in dire need of repair?

Obviously if the City is to borrow there are better uses that will have a broader impact on our citizens and help build community.  We all, as citizens need to be paying more attention to what goes on in City government.  Go to the City’s website, review City Council, Planning Commission, and Zoning Board agendas and minutes.  Even better, reach out to your Council representative before the February 18th meeting and tell them to think twice about spending so much money to convert the MetroCenter public courtyard into a ten-space parking lot. Tell them to say no to “David’s Dead End.”

Good government needs you!

Mark D. Bowers is a resident of Binghamton’s West Side

A Bad Idea Part II Metro Center Parking Read More »

IBM and Endicott residents settle toxic plume lawsuit

WIVT reports:

IBM and a group of Endicott residents have agreed to settle a lawsuit over the toxic plume. In a joint statement issued by the company and attorneys for the plaintiffs, the two sides announced that an agreement in principal has been reached to settle claims over alleged injuries related to IBM's former manufacturing facility. IBM has acknowledged a spill of the volatile organic compound trichloroethylene, aka TCE, in 1979. READ more at:
IBM, Endicott residents to settle environmental lawsuit

WBNG reported on the story:

The statement said the settlements will avoid "expensive litigation." Despite the proposed agreement, an IBM spokesman said the company is still committed to the ongoing environmental cleanup at its former Endicott facility.

IBM is blamed in part for contaminating ground, water and air with trichloroethylene, or TCE. The chemical was used to clean, finish and degrease metal in the computer manufacturing process.  READ MORE at:–291480091.html
IBM, Endicott Residents End Years-Long Contamination Lawsuit


IBM and Endicott residents settle toxic plume lawsuit Read More »

Reforming the Energy Vision

Last year, New York's policy-makers drafted a State Energy Plan that looked too much like the status quo. It was heavy on gas and light on concrete steps to get New York off dirty and dangerous fossil fuels and nuclear energy. In response, tens of thousands of us raised our voices at public hearings and in written testimony to demand a real plan for a renewable energy transition.

New York's energy planners are at it again, but this time, they have taken a 180. This time, they are challenging business as usual in New York's retail electricity markets, through a proceeding at the Public Service Commission called Reforming the Energy Vision (REV). There are some great opportunities in this process to move the state toward a decentralized renewable energy system, but there are also some major causes for concern. We must participate in the process so that we can ensure New York gets moving on a just transition to renewable energy.

Please join us at the Binghamton REV hearing on Thursday, February 12 at the Binghamton City Council Chambers, City Hall, 38 Hawley Street, Binghamton NY 13901.

An information session will be held at 6pm, directly followed by an on-the-record public hearing at 7pm. BRSC will host our own REV workshop 2-5 days prior to the hearing. Look for an announcement of details soon.

Last year the Energy Democracy Working Group (EDWG) was formed by the Alliance for a Green Economy, the Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition, Catskill Mountainkeeper, the Center for Social Inclusion, PUSH Buffalo, and The Solutions Project. The EDWG is a broad alliance of sustainability, environmental justice, affordable housing and other diverse community organizations working to be sure that New York's transition to a clean energy economy benefits New York's communities in general, and those marginalized from these benefits in particular. EDWG works to put the people of New York, not a handful of corporations, in the driver seat.

Building on AGREE's leadership, the EDWG and dozens of allies have successfully pressed the Public Service Commission (PSC) to hold eight info sessions and hearings across the state. The first was in Syracuse last night, where nearly 100 Central New York Residents spoke up for an energy system run by and for the people of New York State. This small victory is only the beginning.

A complete schedule with great information on REV is on the AGREE website. The official hearing announcement from the PSC is attached and linked at the bottom of this message.

Upcoming public hearings offer us the chance to determine what New York's energy future will look like. Don't miss this chance.

What is REV?
REV is a major overhaul of the way New York policy makers intend to pursue clean energy, and so far, the process has been dominated by utility companies, Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and other for-profit actors. It's no surprise, then, that the proposals coming out the the proceeding would hand over much of the design and control over New York's clean energy programs to utility companies. The proposals would also phase out clean energy subsidies and the state's clean energy programs in favor of the market-oriented approach envisioned in REV.

The public's voice must be heard so that we can demand an energy future that is designed by and for New Yorkers.

Join the call for energy democracy, enforceable environmental goals, consumer protection and energy affordability.

Find out more about REV at the Alliance for a Green Economy website <>, where we have posted:
– A short video introduction to REV
– Talking points
– Links to all the documents

And while we are making our voices heard to the Commission with a duty to represent the public, find out how to make this a Renewable New York by promoting renewables and energy efficiency in your community.


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Winners Announced in Bob Johnston Photography Show and Competition

4th BOB JOHNSTON MEMORIAL PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW AND COMPETITION SPONSORED BY Cooperative Gallery 213 and the Two Rivers Photography Club January 2 – 31st, 2015. The Cooperative Gallery 213 and the Two Rivers Photography Club are sponsoring the 4th Bob Johnston Photography Show and Competition January 2-31st, 2015. “This is an especially strong and exciting photography

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