DAVID’S DEAD END IS DEAD: Thank you Council President Berg and Council Dems!

(from https://halfmillionbinghamton.wordpress.com/)

David’s Dead End, the Mayor’s $500,000 plan to pave over the Metrocenter courtyard for ten parking spaces, is officially dead. We want to thank Council President Bill Berg, and Council members Lea Webb, Teri Rennia and Jerry Motsavage (all Democrats) for standing firm, blocking and burying for good this financially irresponsible project that was wrong for so many reasons and sparked a massive groundswell of opposition from residents and taxpayers.

Whereas the three Council Republicans were ready to rubber-stamp this absurd project and saddle local taxpayers with a $500,000 bill–simply to honor and fulfill a backroom handshake deal between the Mayor and one downtown business owner–the four Democrats recognized this project was wrong, wasteful, and not in the community’s best interests.

So thank you Council Democrats!

But the six of us here at Binghamton Advocates for Quality Spaces want to extend even bigger thanks to ALL OF YOU! We’ve been floored by your commitment to stay informed and engaged–and then to act when necessary. And you sure are a diverse lot! We’ve heard from Republicans and Democrats, artists and accountants, high school students and grandparents, business owners and retirees! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Let us celebrate this victory, but our work is not done. Now is when we shift from opposition to advocacy, because we all agree this underutilized space needs immediate attention and improvement. Yes, we stopped David’s Dead End, a dumb parking lot design that prioritized roads and cars. Now we need to work with the four Council Democrats on a creative, cost-effective design for the Metrocenter courtyard  that prioritizes public spaces and people.

You in? Share, share, share…..and stay tuned. Because we ain’t going anywhere.

DAVID’S DEAD END IS DEAD: Thank you Council President Berg and Council Dems! Read More »

Want a Mural? Free Art for Boarded up Properties

Mural Fest 2015 (April 26th) created about 30 Movable Murals on 4 X 8' panels to be affixed to boarded up properties in Binghamton neighborhoods. The first installation will be on a building on Chenango Street consisting of 11 food themed murals, given the Northside's lack of a grocery store. The Dept. of Public Art expects to install and celebrate the murals in May.

Other murals are available for property owners who have a boarded up building. And some of the available murals have been painted by world famous artists such as Damien Mitchell, or Nic707, and the Indigo Arts Collective of Brooklyn. Several of the murals were on display at the State St. Block Party. Photos of the murals are available.

If you know of a building that would qualify, please contact binghamtonbridge@gmail.com. Property owners must promise to notify the DPA if the building is renovated, re-purposed, or torn down, so that the mural can be put on another building.

Want a Mural? Free Art for Boarded up Properties Read More »

B Mets looking for artists: June 5th

The Binghamton Mets are sponsoring an art night on Friday, June 5th, and are looking for artists who would like to participate. Mural painting will be live by Dexter Holmes, a local artist, will begin painting the murals on Friday, May 8th.  Invitations will go out to mural artists, mosaics designers, photographers, and painters. These artists will be able to display their work and offer it for sale.

According to Jim MAggiore: "We have plenty of room in the concourse for artists to display/sell their work and are hoping we get interest from many artists. All artists who display/sell their work in the concourse will receive two vouchers for admittance into the stadium that night. I know some of you have put information in your newsletter and/or your web site. Let me know if you need any other information from me to get the word out. Artists can sign up by sending an email to bmetsboosters@gmail.com or by calling me at 607-722-9227."

A pre-game ceremony will take place on May, June 5th at 6:30. This will be the grand opening of the murals. Free vouchers for game tickets will be offered at First Fridays.

For more information, contact Jim Maggiore: 607-722-9227, jmaggiore@stny.rr.com


B Mets looking for artists: June 5th Read More »

Mural Fest a Hit!

31 artists, 7 bands, and huge crowds. The Dept. of Public Art painted 11 panels that will be placed on a boarded up building on Chenango Street in Binghamton. All the panels depict a food theme to make a point about how much the Northside needs a source of fresh food. The installation will be announced on this website. For more photos of the event go to the Dept of Public Art Facebook page.

The Movable Murals on boarded up properties is a new project to “take art into neighborhoods with abandoned buildings,” according to Peg Johnston of the DPA. “As these buildings are re-purposed we can move the mural panels to other locations where property owners request them.” It is supported by grants from the Chenango Co Arts Council and the Hoyt Foundation. *

*The Broome, Chenango & Otsego Decentralization (DEC) Program is administered by the Chenango Arts Council, and is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature. Additional support for Broome County provided by the Stewart W. & Willma C. Hoyt Foundation.

Mural Fest a Hit! Read More »


Ukrainian anti-fascists are calling on people around the world to mark May 2 as a day of commemoration of those who were killed in the trade union building in Odessa.
On May 2, 2014 there was a bloody massacre in Odessa where, though data is incomplete, at least 48 people were killed. Some of them were burned alive in the House of Trade Unions. The organizers of the massacre were radical Ukrainian nationalists and fascists who support the regime established in the Kiev after the coup in February 2014. Their opponents were the participants of the Antimaydan movement opposed to Ukrainian fascism. They belonged to different political tendencies, but opposition to Ukrainian fascism united them. It was they who were the main victims of the massacre on the May 2. Fleeing from the crowd of aggressive and armed fascists which greatly outnumbered them, the Antimaydan activists tried to take refuge in the House of Trade Unions located near their camp. They were largely without weapons, as they consistently preferred peaceful forms of protest. The enemy attacked the House of Trade Unions with Molotov cocktails, igniting a fire that caused many of those inside the building to flee outside. There, angry Ukrainian fascists beat and killed them. Others who observed this remained inside until they either burned to death, suffocated or jumped out of windows to their deaths. Others who remained inside were hunted down and murdered in cold blood. Local fire service deliberately did not go to the assistance of the desperate people and when it finally arrived, the fascists did not let the fire trucks or firefighters approach the burning building.
The ruling government of Ukraine is doing everything to hide and distort the truth about this crime. The official list of dead people has not been published yet. The results of forensic examination of the causes of deaths are classified and were not disclosed until recently. None of the perpetrators of the massacre has been arrested; the state prosecutor's office deliberately ignores numerous videos proving their guilt. Instead, people who tried to defend the House of Trade Unions have been arrested and put on trial. Though the investigation found no evidence of their guilt, the court refuses to set them free. Official propaganda since the day of tragedy has spread lies like “the House of Trade Unions was not protected by people from Odessa but by citizens of Transnistria and Russian saboteurs”, calls these people terrorists and separatists even though the leaders of the Odessa’s "Antimaydan" never called for the separation of the Odessa region from Ukraine. But various supporters of this Kiev regime replicate this lie all over the world.
The Odessa tragedy is just one act in the civil war the Kiev fascists launched last spring against its own people that. This is not the only event of its kind. The atrocities of the fascists on May 9, 2014 in Mariupol, massive bloodshed in the Donbass, sadistic treatment of war prisoners, deliberate destruction of vital facilities in the Donbass, the recent excesses of Ukrainian soldiers in Konstantinovka (Kostyantynivka) – all of them are the links of the same chain. This is a manifestation of the bloody totalitarian nature of the regime in Kiev, established in the heart of Europe with the blessing of western political leaders. But the Odessa massacre became a symbol of these atrocities. In Odessa, the Kiev regime's political opponents asserted their own rights without weapons, by peaceful means and they were ruthlessly suppressed with astonishing cruelty and cynicism. The task of all progressive forces of the world is to demonstrate their condemnation and rejection of such methods.
The Kiev regime wants to forcibly impose on the entire population of Ukraine its system of values which totally rejects the Soviet period in the history of Ukraine. It is based on the traditions of Ukrainian integral nationalism, which is the local Ukrainian variant of fascist ideology. These ideas of integral nationalism inspired such figures as Stepan Bandera. For a significant part of Ukrainian society, such attitudes are unacceptable. That is why opposition appeared. Despite all the repression, people have been fighting against the reactionaries and actively looking for an alternative. But the forces of resistance in Ukraine are split, and some of them are not guided by consistently democratic principles. Some of them receive help from Russian nationalists and therefore think that the alternative to Ukrainian fascism is Russian nationalism. But this is wrong and a dead end road. Therefore, the solidarity of international left forces with the liberation struggle against the Kiev regime will help the people of see they have friends and strengthen the democratic tendencies in the camp of resistance.
Finally, solidarity of leftist and internationalist forces is important not only for Ukraine. Now we see the rise of right-wing reactionary movements around the world. In many European countries, neo-fascists are growing in popularity, the youth are joining their parties, and they are gaining more and more votes. Totalitarianism has intensified everywhere and gone on the offensive. The civil war in Ukraine is just one of many episodes of offensive of international reaction forces. But this episode is very revealing. Ukraine is a European country and it in this European country that for the first time in the 21st century that fascists have entered a government while fascist paramilitaries have received legal status in the army and other state authorities. We can resist this attack on our principles and values together, combining our efforts all round the world.
Therefore, we propose to make May 2 a day of international solidarity in defense of democracy and internationalism in Ukraine. To this end, we urge the leftist forces around the world to hold in early May actions of solidarity with the liberation struggle of the working masses of Ukraine. This can be a picket, a march, a meeting, a round table and any other action which would be considered appropriate by activists not indifferent to the problems of Ukraine. From our side, our initiative group will contribute to the dissemination of information about these actions in the media.
Ivan Melekhov
Jeanne Camus
Yefim Mironov
Stanislav Yushchenko


Mural Fest Attracts 31 Artists, Performers, Vendors, Sponsors

Mural Fest 2015 will involve 31 artists, several bands, both amplified and acoustic, vendors, and tabling with art. Several illustrious artists from out of town will do demonstrations of mural painting. The Dept of Public Art is painting 11 panels on a food theme for a boarded up building on Chenango Street, and other artists will paint other designs. Several area businesses are sponsoring the mural fest and a cut out of a hot air balloon will bear the name of the sponsors. So far, the sponsors include Belknap Lumber, Kovarik Hardware, Cooperative Gallery, Orion Beauty, Lost Dog, Galaxy Brewing, Zona Grill, Water St. Brewing, Burger Mondays, The Shop. The Belmar is providing food for artists and volunteers are encouraged to bring food for the artists and performers. Mural Fest will take place on Sunday from 12-5 pm on the Riverwalk, by RiverRead Books, down to the MLK Promenade.

The Fest is also being supported by Broome County, the City of Binghamton, and Gorgeous Washington Street Assn.  It is sponsored by reBold Binghamton and the Dept of Public Art (Ctr for Gender, Art, and Culture).

Mural Fest Attracts 31 Artists, Performers, Vendors, Sponsors Read More »


Friday, April 17, the UUCB Social Justice Committee and the Greater Binghamton Labor-Religion Coalition hosted a forum about current wage theft affecting assembly line workers, university adjunct faculty and teaching assistants and fast food workers. Mandatory overtime (or be fired), changing job/tenure requirements, high temperatures, and diluted wages cause hunger, stress and even physical disability.

Reynolds (Aluminum) has 45 Pactiv subsidiaries in 16 US states (Canandaigua and Plattsburg, NY) that produce the food packaging products and utensils used by Binghamton University/Sodexho, Starbucks, etc. Workers at the Kearney, NJ plant who attempted to form a union at Pactiv were intimidated, fired, and one so disabled she needed metal rods in her back before Pactiv closed the plant to end their democratic rights.

Rank Group/Wells Fargo, the parent company of Reynolds, is a worldwide packaging(Hefty bags) empire under its billionaire owner Graeme Hart, New Zealand’s richest man, $7.3B. Hart has a new yacht built at Kleven Verft in the community of Ulstein in Norway. The yard specializes in off-shore vessels and the 107-meter long yacht is constructed to sail under rough conditions, equipped with helicopter deck, hangar and accommodation for 60 persons, useful at his 2009 bought company called Knight Services (Fiji). The seller of the company, Pacific Islands Partnership (PIP), markets 99-year leases on Fijian islands.

Locally, as reported by several BU students, they have attempted to meet with President H. Stenger to no avail; his Administrative Chief of Staff, Terrence Kane, former State regional director of economic development, barely gave the activists lip service nor listened to their petition to divest from such companies/products.

To learn more: www.aintiawoman.org, www.Pactiv.com, www.boycottreynolds.org/petition, http://www.indeed.com/cmp/Pactiv/reviews
www.nmass.org (national mobilization against sweatshops);

A LOOK BEHIND FOOD PACKAGING CONTAINERS (the 1% strikes again) Read More »

Neighborhood Clean-Ups

Is your street littered with winter time detritus, flyaway re-cycling, and other stuff not to be dwelled on? If you live on the near Westside it is. At least 3 or 4 groups of neighborhood residents are talking about taking to the streets with brooms and bags to clean up. Speaking of brooms, one group focusing on Walnut and Seminary Streets are collecting brooms:

"If you have an extra broom in your basement or garage, please donate it to a community clean up effort. The brooms will be used to sweep sidewalks and curbs on whole blocks of the west side, then given to everyone who wants to keep the front of their home or business clean.  Drop off those brooms at the American Legion parking lot, 76 Main Street on Sunday, April 19, 10 AM – 12 noon."

Another group is adding recycling tips to a door hanger in the neighborhood, encouraging residents to clean up their properties and join in. A DRAFT of the door hanger flyer is attached. ALL DETAILS ARE NOT FINAL; Check this space for more details or email us at binghamtonbridge@gmail and we will pass on what info we have.



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The Greater Binghamton Labor/Religion coalition invites our community to join us on Moral Monday, April 6 at 4:30 PM at the Federal Building on Henry Street in Binghamton where we will stand vigil and raise our voice for a fair and just Federal Budget.  

As poverty and inequality continue to grow, faith leaders and people of conscience will come together to call for justice and the common good.  The 2015 Federal budget has proven once again Washington continues to put large corporations, banks and billionaires above the poor and  middle class.*

We stand for the poor and vulnerable, our children and our senior citizens, those who cannot speak for themselves.  We do not stand for tax dodging corporations and overpaid CEO’s who reap the benefits of underpaid workers.  We are acting on our moral imperatives, and demand that our elected officials in Washington and New York create a budget that works for all, not the chosen few.


For more information visit:  www.nationalpriorities.org

Read the attached Paul Krugman column


Slow Art Day at Two Local Galleries

The Tate in London is in.

So are the Harvard Art Museums.

Ditto, the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  

And the Cooperative Gallery and Orazio Salati Gallery in Binghamton NY.  

These and 173 galleries around the world are celebrating Slow Art Day on April 11, 2015. “Slow Art Day is the global all-volunteer event with a simple mission: help more people discover for themselves the joy of looking at and loving art,” according to the website SlowArtDay.com. “Slow Art Day was created as a grassroots movement to empower museum visitors to change their museum experience. Unlike the standard 8-second view, Slow Art Day participants are asked to spend 10-15 minutes looking at several specific pieces of art.”         

The event is at Cooperative Gallery 213 on State Street and Orazio Salati Studio & Gallery at 204 State Street located across from each other in Binghamton’s Downtown Arts District. The program will begin in each gallery at 1pm on Saturday April 11th and will feature the work of Exhibiting Artist Members at Cooperative Gallery and the work of Orazio Salati and Provincetown MA artist Jerome Greene at Salati’s gallery. Participants will enjoy a brief introduction to the program by Judy Salton (Cooperative Gallery) and Orazio Salati. They will switch galleries midway through the event and follow-up with an open discussion over refreshments at the Cooperative Gallery.

 “Our Slow Art event will allow the participants to view the pieces with very little input from us but we hope to have a lively discussion afterward,” comments Judy Salton, organizer of the event. The event starts at 1 pm and the discussion, with refreshments, will follow at 3 pm. It is free and open to the public.

Contact Information: to RSVP: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=pjztkndab&oeidk=a07easnd9ugb32cee99

Web: SlowArtDay.com

Facebook: Facebook.com/SlowArtDay

Twitter: @SlowArtDay

Tumblr: SlowArtDay.Tumblr.com

Contact: Judy Salton or Orazio Salati

Phone: 607 584-4715 (Salton) or 772-6725 (Salati)

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