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Alla Boldina Fragment(ation) of Memory

Fragment(ation) of Memory: Alla Boldina

“And in a mystery to be/ (when time from time shall set us free) / forgetting me, remember me,” emphasizes e.e.cummings in one of his poems.

Inspired by literature, art and life experiences, the local abstract artist Alla Boldina ponders the paradoxes of memory in her upcoming exhibit titled “Fragment (ation) of Memory” with the opening reception on June 1st from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Binghamton Incubator.

Fragment(ation) of Memory: Alla Boldina Read More »

Green Thumb Workshops

Introducing VINES' Green Thumb Workshop Series 2017
Are you interested in gardening, have a plot at a VINES community garden, or just want to learn about growing food in a small space? Come to one of our workshops and learn the basics for planning your garden, seed starting, how to begin composting, or learn about our Farm Share program.

All workshops are free and open to the public.
A donation of $10 is suggested.
Registration is required as space is limited. To register for VINES workshops please visit or call 607-218-2043

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Fund Essential Menstrual Hygiene– Will Binghamton be First?

The Women and Gender Studies Activism class at Binghamton University is announcing to the media that we will be having an open, public speak out in support of Fund Essential Menstruation legislation on December 7th at city hall at 6:30pm during the scheduled city council meeting.. We have written a proposed legislation titled Fund Essential Menstruation (FEM) Hygiene Act 2016. See their Facebook Page for more info.

Our mission statement is as follows: One of the most difficult things about being homeless is being a person who menstruates. There is no single “rulebook” guiding homeless people to the resources they need. Not every person has the privilege of reaching into their purse and grabbing a sanitary napkin. Without access to these sanitary items, they are susceptible to a range of health challenges including, but not limited to, yeast and bacterial infections and toxic shock syndrome.
Therefore, we are proposing legislation entitled, Fund Essential Menstruation (FEM) Hygiene Products Act 2016, requiring the city of Binghamton to provide feminine menstrual products in all city owned public facilities. Menstrual hygiene products should be included alongside the other sanitary items currently provided by the city of Binghamton in its public facilities.

If Binghamton City Council passes this legislation, we will be one of the first cities in the country to provide sanitary items for free.


Fund Essential Menstrual Hygiene– Will Binghamton be First? Read More »


Ukrainian anti-fascists are calling on people around the world to mark May 2 as a day of commemoration of those who were killed in the trade union building in Odessa.
On May 2, 2014 there was a bloody massacre in Odessa where, though data is incomplete, at least 48 people were killed. Some of them were burned alive in the House of Trade Unions. The organizers of the massacre were radical Ukrainian nationalists and fascists who support the regime established in the Kiev after the coup in February 2014. Their opponents were the participants of the Antimaydan movement opposed to Ukrainian fascism. They belonged to different political tendencies, but opposition to Ukrainian fascism united them. It was they who were the main victims of the massacre on the May 2. Fleeing from the crowd of aggressive and armed fascists which greatly outnumbered them, the Antimaydan activists tried to take refuge in the House of Trade Unions located near their camp. They were largely without weapons, as they consistently preferred peaceful forms of protest. The enemy attacked the House of Trade Unions with Molotov cocktails, igniting a fire that caused many of those inside the building to flee outside. There, angry Ukrainian fascists beat and killed them. Others who observed this remained inside until they either burned to death, suffocated or jumped out of windows to their deaths. Others who remained inside were hunted down and murdered in cold blood. Local fire service deliberately did not go to the assistance of the desperate people and when it finally arrived, the fascists did not let the fire trucks or firefighters approach the burning building.
The ruling government of Ukraine is doing everything to hide and distort the truth about this crime. The official list of dead people has not been published yet. The results of forensic examination of the causes of deaths are classified and were not disclosed until recently. None of the perpetrators of the massacre has been arrested; the state prosecutor's office deliberately ignores numerous videos proving their guilt. Instead, people who tried to defend the House of Trade Unions have been arrested and put on trial. Though the investigation found no evidence of their guilt, the court refuses to set them free. Official propaganda since the day of tragedy has spread lies like “the House of Trade Unions was not protected by people from Odessa but by citizens of Transnistria and Russian saboteurs”, calls these people terrorists and separatists even though the leaders of the Odessa’s "Antimaydan" never called for the separation of the Odessa region from Ukraine. But various supporters of this Kiev regime replicate this lie all over the world.
The Odessa tragedy is just one act in the civil war the Kiev fascists launched last spring against its own people that. This is not the only event of its kind. The atrocities of the fascists on May 9, 2014 in Mariupol, massive bloodshed in the Donbass, sadistic treatment of war prisoners, deliberate destruction of vital facilities in the Donbass, the recent excesses of Ukrainian soldiers in Konstantinovka (Kostyantynivka) – all of them are the links of the same chain. This is a manifestation of the bloody totalitarian nature of the regime in Kiev, established in the heart of Europe with the blessing of western political leaders. But the Odessa massacre became a symbol of these atrocities. In Odessa, the Kiev regime's political opponents asserted their own rights without weapons, by peaceful means and they were ruthlessly suppressed with astonishing cruelty and cynicism. The task of all progressive forces of the world is to demonstrate their condemnation and rejection of such methods.
The Kiev regime wants to forcibly impose on the entire population of Ukraine its system of values which totally rejects the Soviet period in the history of Ukraine. It is based on the traditions of Ukrainian integral nationalism, which is the local Ukrainian variant of fascist ideology. These ideas of integral nationalism inspired such figures as Stepan Bandera. For a significant part of Ukrainian society, such attitudes are unacceptable. That is why opposition appeared. Despite all the repression, people have been fighting against the reactionaries and actively looking for an alternative. But the forces of resistance in Ukraine are split, and some of them are not guided by consistently democratic principles. Some of them receive help from Russian nationalists and therefore think that the alternative to Ukrainian fascism is Russian nationalism. But this is wrong and a dead end road. Therefore, the solidarity of international left forces with the liberation struggle against the Kiev regime will help the people of see they have friends and strengthen the democratic tendencies in the camp of resistance.
Finally, solidarity of leftist and internationalist forces is important not only for Ukraine. Now we see the rise of right-wing reactionary movements around the world. In many European countries, neo-fascists are growing in popularity, the youth are joining their parties, and they are gaining more and more votes. Totalitarianism has intensified everywhere and gone on the offensive. The civil war in Ukraine is just one of many episodes of offensive of international reaction forces. But this episode is very revealing. Ukraine is a European country and it in this European country that for the first time in the 21st century that fascists have entered a government while fascist paramilitaries have received legal status in the army and other state authorities. We can resist this attack on our principles and values together, combining our efforts all round the world.
Therefore, we propose to make May 2 a day of international solidarity in defense of democracy and internationalism in Ukraine. To this end, we urge the leftist forces around the world to hold in early May actions of solidarity with the liberation struggle of the working masses of Ukraine. This can be a picket, a march, a meeting, a round table and any other action which would be considered appropriate by activists not indifferent to the problems of Ukraine. From our side, our initiative group will contribute to the dissemination of information about these actions in the media.
Ivan Melekhov
Jeanne Camus
Yefim Mironov
Stanislav Yushchenko


Vote Smart Could Transform Voting Decisions


Citizens have got to know about Project Vote Smart, a non-partisan group of students and volunteers from all over the country who have put together a massive factual database on politicians.

Vote Smart gathers the voting records, biographies, public statements (issue or even key word searchable), issue positions, who gives candidates money, even the ratings done by over 200 competing special interests on every candidate and official. They make it so you don’t need to listen to all the self-serving nonsense of campaigns anymore.

You can get just the facts on Vote Smart's web site ( or even call them on their toll-free Voter’s Research Hotline (1-888-VOTE-SMART) and one of their researchers will look up anything you need to know.

Vote Smart Could Transform Voting Decisions Read More »

“Are You Interested in Investing Locally?”

Topic of Binghamton Community Lab

BINGHAMTON, NY – The Binghamton Community Lab will host a mixer and discussion for anyone who is interested in investing locally. There is a self-pay dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16th, at the Lost Dog Café Violet Room, 222 Water Street in Binghamton. This event is free and open to the public.

Stimulating job creation and innovation and addressing community needs by nurturing a strong local economy that is less dependent on importing goods and services, and by advocating for and promoting independent locally-owned businesses, services and products, has been an area of focus for Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition, Binghamton Rising, and the Binghamton Community Lab since 2010.

The purpose and format of this meeting will be to expand the group of interested local investors, quickly review some of the most promising models based on the work and research of Local Economist Michael Shuman, and mostly to engage in a facilitated conversation about how to move from the concept phase to planning and implementation.

The Binghamton Community Lab is a gathering place for citizen investigators to create and support improvements that will grow a healthier, wealthier and stronger Binghamton region. The series, held regularly on the third Tuesday of each month will be facilitated by David Sloan Wilson, SUNY distinguished professor of biology and anthropology at Binghamton University and founder of the Binghamton Neighborhood Project, and David Currie, director of the Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition.

For additional information, contact Hadassah Head at

“Are You Interested in Investing Locally?” Read More »


Questions: 729-1641
A UUCB Social Justice Sunday

On Sunday, April 7, 2013, from 1:00-3:30pm
183 Riverside Dr., Binghamton, NY 13905

Following our Sunday worship service entitled “Neighbors at an Unseen Border: Immigration as a Local Issue” we offer an exciting panel of speakers to talk on the subject of immigration, an informative movie, a discussion on the topic, and a meal.


Do undocumented workers pay taxes?
Is immigration a criminal or civil issue?
How long do immigrants wait for a green card?
Is immigration the 21st century slavery?


Rachel Light

Member of UUCB

Rachel will tell a poignant story of friendship with an undocumented immigrant and the trials he endured in an effort to remain in this country.

Diana Reyes

Immigration Organizer for Citizen Action of NY of the Southern Tier

Diana organizes community members to advocate for immigration reform at the local legislative level.

Andrew Baranosky

Exec. Director of ACA

The American Civic Association serves as our local support center, providing immigration services and refugee resettlement assistance.

IMMIGRATION As A Moral Issue Read More »

LOCAL: We just launched a new site after being deleted from the Internet for our obsession about depleted uranium a while back.

We hope you will come over occasionally to see what we have. And if you are especially interested in setting up your own site with out having to worry about censorship we have the capabilities to allow you to do that for FREE on our own private server. Just go to Broome Underground. Hope you like us and will give us some constructive feedback.

LOCAL: We just launched a new site after being deleted from the Internet for our obsession about depleted uranium a while back. Read More »

Bigotry is Bullying, Fighting Bigotry is Not

Listen folks, calling a homophobic bigot a bigot is not bullying, just like calling a racist a racist or a misogynist a misogynist, isn’t bullying. And students and teachers actively working to create a school that is free from homophobia certainly isn’t bullying, it’s heroism. However, there have been several statements by public figures lately that have suggested that challenging injustice is a kind of reverse prejudice. For example, Fr. Johannes M. M. Smith wrote an opinion piece last month, responding to my comments at the June Pride flag raising at City Hall in which I stated that coming to our celebration and calling the gay and lesbian residents of this City the “exaltation of immorality”, “perversion”, “Satanic”, a “scandalous abomination” and in league with the “principalities of darkness” was bullying. He suggested in his statement that my characterization of him was libelous and bullying. It was not. And then last week at the Vestal School Board, in response to the passionate efforts to remove Tennessee State Senator Stacey Campfield’s picture from the school’s Wall of Fame for his homophobia, and inaccurate statements about the transmission of HIV/AIDS, the board president Ms. Meyer similarly suggested that these efforts were bullying. They are not.

Speaking truth to power is not bullying. But continuing to celebrate a homophobic bigot and forcing your gay and lesbian students to walk by his picture every day is. Taking away privileges (or honors) because of bad behavior is something teachers and schools are familiar with. It should be a pretty easy call for educators that hurting gay kids (as research shows the Senator’s statements actually do) is bad behavior. But just in case you’re not sure, on July 1st, the Dignity for All Students act became law in New York. This law mandates that schools intervene whenever possible to correct and prevent bullying and harassment and protect gay and lesbian kids (along with so many others that are often the targets of bullies). Let’s hope the Vestal School Board does their job and implements this law to the fullest and makes Vestal Schools safe for all their students.

Dr. Sean G. Massey
Faculty in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Binghamton University

Bigotry is Bullying, Fighting Bigotry is Not Read More »

Film: Whose Streets?

Whose Streets? Told by the activists & leaders who live & breathe this movement for justice,an unflinching look at the Ferguson uprising. When unarmed teenager Michael Brown is killed by the police & left lying in the street for hours, it marks a breaking point for the residents of St Louis, Missouri. Grief, long standing

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