Peg Johnston

Peg Johnston, one of the founding members of the binghamton bridge, passed away on Saturday, May 13, 2023. Peg has been maintaining the bridge website and working on the weekly newsletters for years. Besides the bridge, Peg worked tirelessly to make good things happen in Binghamton, NY. She volunteered for many organizations, including VINES, The Center for Gender, Art, and Culture, Department of Public Art Cooperative Gallery 213, The Abortion Conversation Project, her Elisabeth Freeman online archive, and SHIFT: to name a few. She had an exciting sense of civic duty and responsibility, inspiring others to work on what they believe in and to fight for human rights. She will be fondly remembered and very missed as an amazing friend and supporter of what’s right.

As the bridge is a volunteer-run project, newsletters will pick up again soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to get involved in anyway, please email us at or by using our contact form here.

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