Local Church Celebrates 10,000 Dresses Made

Event Location: Whitney Point United Methodist Church, Whitney Point NY  Sunday, May 20, 2018 1:30pm

For the past 8 years the ‘Sew ‘n Sews’ have been meeting weekly at the Whitney Point United Methodist Church to sew dresses. They use pillowcases, sheets, and other donated fabric along with elastic and lace, to assemble dress kits which then get sewn together into dresses of all sizes. Every few months a volunteer takes several boxes full of completed dresses to Angels of Mercy in Rochester, NY where they get labels and are shipped out across the globe as part of the Dress A Girl Around The World program.

On Sunday, May 20th the church will be celebrate the completion of the Sew ‘n Sews’ 10,000th dress! There will be speakers from Angels of Mercy and Dress A Girl as well as a short video presentation showcasing some of the happy girls who have received dresses.

“We’ve never bought any fabric,” lead Sew ‘n Sew, Jean Ellis says. “Every time we got low another donation would come in.” Rev. Turnpenny says this is not just a celebration of 10,000 dress but 10,000 children being given dignity and protection. It’s also a celebration of the incredible community support we’ve received through countless donations of fabric and thousands of hours of sewing!

About: Dress a Girl Around the World is a Campaign under Hope 4 Women International (a 501c3 organization) bringing dignity to women around the world since 2006. For more information go to dressagirlaroundtheworld.com

Angels of Mercy is a Christ-centered organization (501c3) dedicated to helping women in need locally, across the nation and around the world. For more information go to angelsofmercyny.org.

The Whitney Point United Methodist Church has been an active part of the community since the 1800’s and prioritizes supporting children and feeding the hungry. For more information go to whitneypointumc.org.


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