The Biggest Lie

The biggest lie : we elected Christians.

"When i was hungry, you canceled my food stamps
When i was thirsty, you diverted lead & coal into my water
When i was sick, you tripled my insurance rates
When i was naked, you raped me & blamed me because i was naked.
When i was in prison, you enslaved me to corporations
When i was a stranger with brown skin you deported me
From the lonely you took away social programs
From the elderly, you took away meals & medicine
From the workers, you took away legal protections
From the young, you took away school funding
From the victims, you took away shelter
Instead of diversity, you encourage intolerance
Instead of caring, you encourage isolation
Instead of equity, you encourage military excess
When the 1% has ground us into the dust, taken all of our money, and let us die for lack of insurance – who will they feed upon?