Keep Halloween Scary But Sober With These Tips

Halloween is no longer just for kids. Adults are discovering the ghoulish glee that comes from indulging their most macabre fears in a safe but scary environment. There’s no reason for you to miss out on the fun, even if you’re in recovery. Here are some great ways to have a creepy yet clean All Hallow’s Eve.

Go to a Haunted House

What could fit this fiendish season better than touring a forbidden setting filled with all sorts of creatures that go bump in the night? You’ll find these frightening attractions popping up all over the place each October. Try a haunted hayride for a delightful variation that’s better suited to the more claustrophobic among us. Revenues from seasonal haunted houses go to local charities, so you can feel good about giving yourself a bad fright.

Try a Ghost Tour

Most communities have one or two spots where spirits are said to glide through ghostly environs off-limits to those who are still alive. So why not tempt the fates by spending some time touring a few of these spectral places? Ghost tours offer a horrific helping of local folklore mixed with fascinating facts about a city’s history and culture. Most of these events require you to do just a wee bit of walking, though some venues chauffeur their guests from one spot to another in climate-controlled comfort.

Go People-Watching

All kinds of colorful characters come out of the woodwork on Halloween. Some spend the entire year crafting the costumes they wear on this special night. Others look demented and disturbed because…well, just because. Either way, you can have a blast by parking yourself on a city bench and watching folks stroll by. Just think twice before taking treats from strangers, especially if they vanish before your eyes.

Watch Frightening Films

Who knows mayhem and madness better than the staff of Rolling Stone magazine? So you can trust them when they tell you that a scary movie marathon is a superb way to give yourself goosebumps. Imagine being curled up on a couch in a dark room watching bad things happen to people other than you. That’s an evening that’s sure to please anyone. Just think twice before reaching out to hold the hand of the person next to you. You may find yourself touching something cold and clammy from the crypt…

Witness a Murder

No, not literally. We’re talking about hosting a murder mystery whodunit where one of the guests ends up on the dinner menu and everyone else tries to find the killer before time runs out. These events have gone upscale in recent years, according to the writers at the UK publication Telegraph. But you need not book a swank hotel to create the proper atmosphere for murder most foul. All you need is some basic props, a few willing victims, and a smidgen of creativity.

Tip for Staying Sober No Matter Where You’re At

Perhaps your plans this year include time spent at a gathering where you’ll run across alcohol or other stimulating substances. That’s no reason to forsake your recovery goals. Here are some ways to stay sober on the scariest night of the year:

Have a friend by your side. He or she can help you to avoid temptation and issue a polite but firm “no” to those who try to steer you toward relapse.

Volunteer to help with trick-or-treating or another kid’s activity. That way you can always say, “Sorry, but I’m going to be around a bunch of sugared-up preschoolers later on and I need to have my wits about me.”

Wear a costume that precludes imbibing: ‘I’d love to, but it took me three hours to get the death’s-head makeup just right and I’m not taking any chances.”

Halloween is all about having a good time, no matter how old you are. So stay safe and sober while you’re indulging in a little spooky fun. You’ll come away with great memories and the strength to face your future free of fear.

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