Out of the mouth of babes

Out of the mouth of babes
After a year of random citizen outrage from compassionate citizens about Central American asylum seekers, it is reported that President Trump had an Oval office full of refugees from Myanmar, Uighurs in China, and Yazidis in Iraq and he revealed a stark lack of familiarity with the problems they faced. Neither does he admit the US set up in Central America.
Surely, you have heard “truth out of the mouth of babes.” All are encouraged to watch the Netflix documentary Life Overtakes Me. It chronicles how mute, nonresponsive children are speaking of their fear and uncertainty by shutting the world out. A young child from Yazidis and other children of families from the Balkans seeking asylum in Sweden have been identified with a new diagnosis of Resignation Syndrome. America needs to take heed.
After years of treating trauma and PTSD this is a frightening commentary on the spoils of children witnessing killing, torture and rape of their parents, one for running an internet site “speaking truth”. These families were in limbo in Sweden from six to 24 months waiting to know if they could stay. The doctors and parents are commended for the physical therapy, touch, tube feeding, stamina and love to their nonresponsive child. This has been recognized since 2003; Shame on all of us. Gradually after they are assured of a safe home the children recovered. They are the one to deserve medals.

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