Local History Conference Looks at Hidden Stories

The Bundy Museum, with the involvement of BU and other sponsors, brought people together to hear about local history with unexpectedly profound results. When Lisa Beal presented "History of Two Families, One Black, One Jewish" she discovered that her great grandfather and a participant's grandfather nearly went into business together: hers had a truck and the other had a dead cow to sell. Another remembered her grandmother from her childhood. And a young man expressed deep appreciation for meeting Lisa, whose activist mother was the inspiration for the Frances Beal Society, an activist coalition at Binghamton University fighting racism, sexism, queer/transphobia, corruption, ableism and other oppressions.

And that was just one workshop! Others that brought connections from those present were "Patterns of Immigration, Ethnicity, and Americanization in Early 20th century" buy Rachel Blaifeder, "Cold War Technology with Southern Tier Roots" by Susan Sherwood of Techworks, "The History of the Women's Center" by Peg Johnston, and "The American Dance Asylum" by Greg Bain. Again, just to name a few.

Prof. Gerald Zahavi of SUNY Albany detailed "Socialists, Patriarchs, and Spies: EJ Workers and the Question of Loyalty. The audience was surprised to hear that Binghamton was a hotbed of radical activity post WWI with many rival Socialist and Communist chapters and that George F. Johnson was tolerant of political diversity and called out the "false Americanism" of for instance, the Ku Klux Klan.

The new radio Bundy WBDY-LP at 99.5 FM will broadcast the talks in the coming months. Kudos to Andrew Pragacz and Diana C. Gildes for organizing this conference. More https://www.bundymuseum.org/perspectives/


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5th Mural Fest Returns to Floral Ave.

The Department of Public Art (DPA) will sponsor the 5th Mural Fest at Floral Ave. Park in Johnson City on Saturday May 5th from 11am – 4 pm. The Village of Johnson City has welcomed us back to continue to improve the park. “Mural Fest offers everyone a chance to paint—murals for adults and a Box City for children,” according to Peg Johnston of DPA. Organizers also plan to give away art supplies to neighborhood children in conjunction with a grant from the Chenango Co. Arts Council and with the help of The Bridge and Family Enrichment Network.

Mural Fest 2018 participants will work on four projects—improving the inside of the bathrooms, painting the outside of a shed, a mural on panels for the Renaissance Festival at Cutler Garden, and a Dinosaur mural for a factory on Avenue B in Johnson City.

Mural Fest participants will be entertained by a full roster of live music. At 11am Diana Tejera, an Italian singer-songwriter with a gold record will perform. Local band Voodoo Highway (blues-rock and more) starts at 12:15 pm. Adam Ate The Apple playing roots, folk, and rock play at 1:30 pm. Hot Dogs & Gin featuring Eamonn Hubert, a child prodigy guitarist play classic rock at 2:45 pm.

The Dept. of Public Art has created a “Box City” of upcycled cardboard several times so that children can paint and play in them, and take them home. DPA artists will also create cardboard animals for children to paint and keep. Volunteers will prep the cardboard houses April 17th and 24th from 6-8 pm at Avenue DIY, 19 Avenue D in Johnson City.

The Dept of Public Art is a volunteer group responsible for more than 50 murals in the area. The first two Mural Fests were on the MLK Promenade where 30 artists created temporary murals for blighted buildings and then the DPA sponsored Mural Fest on the Northside at Cheri Lindsey Park. In 2017 Mural Fest moved to Floral Ave. Park in Johnson City where four permanent murals were finished.

Mural Fest has received support from Chenango Co Arts Council (DEC NYS Council on the Arts) and the Hoyt Foundation, Town of Union Community Development, Golden Paints, Belknap Lumber, Kovarik’s Hardware, Daniel’s Paints, and other sponsors. Tabling by local groups is free. For more information or to volunteer email DeptofPublicArt@gmail.com or the Dept. of Public Art Facebook Page. See attachment for a DPA Wish List.

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Did Cambridge Analytica Steal your Facebook Info?

During the 2016 election, Cambridge Analytica, a data firm funded by the right-wing billionaire Robert Mercer, used the personal information of 87 million Facebook users to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Over 70 million of those affected by the breach live in the United States. 

The social media company now plans to make big changes to protect its users’ private information. “For the first decade, we really focused on all the good that connecting people brings,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said during an April 4 conference call. “But it’s clear now that we didn’t do enough. We didn’t focus enough on preventing abuse and thinking through how people could use these tools to do harm as well.”

Starting April 9, Facebook is notifying its users via their newsfeeds if their data was stolen by Cambridge Analytica. 

READ MORE and find out how to stop it on your account:


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Our first community radio station, WBDY-LP 99.5 FM


Area’s first community radio station, WBDY-LP 99.5 FM, focuses on the arts: “It’s about time!”

BINGHAMTON, New York. (Apr. 18, 2018) — WBDY-LP 99.5 FM “The Bundy” is the newest radio station on the Triple Cities’ dial. On Wednesday, April 18th, the Greater Binghamton community is invited to the official launch and press conference to learn about the Bundy Museum’s newest project. WBDY-LP is a non-commercial, community radio station devoted to enriching the Binghamton area’s vibrant cultural, artistic and intellectual life. What started out as an experiment by one of Central New York’s premier historical destinations, The Bundy Museum of History and Art, now features a full slate of music, informational, and cultural programming. WBDY-LP has also partnered with Broome County Emergency Services to keep residents informed and safe during times of crisis and emergency.

The Bundy highlights area talent through its locally produced programming. Our prime-time daily morning program, The Bundy Radio Hour, features original interviews with local creators, musicians, artists, dynamic personalities, event organizers, and community leaders. Additionally, WBDY-LP is working with community partners to record and broadcast local events, bringing conversations to a wider audience. Listeners can expect to hear events like Chrysalis—a competitive storytelling event, and The Hungry Ear—dramatic readings of short stories held monthly at the Broome County Public Library. All events from the Bundy Museum of History and Art will also be shared on The Bundy. Twice daily, WBDY-LP promotes the Southern Tier music scene through the Audio Classics’ Local Music Hour, with performances from groups like Adam Ate the Apple and the Binghamton Youth Symphony Orchestra. The Bundy is adding even more locally produced content in the coming months. Two poetry programs and an Americana music hour are in the works!

WBDY-LP also offers a diverse range of nationally-broadcast radio shows. Thanks to our affiliation with the Pacifica Network, listeners can hear programs like Blue Light Central, Against the Grain, and Democracy Now!. We also broadcast independently produced programs like Acoustic Café, A Way with Words, and Clearing the Static. See our full programming schedule at bundymuseum.org/wbdy.
Community radio means community. Maintaining and expanding The Bundy radio project requires volunteers, content creators, and community partners. WBDY-LP welcomes volunteers and program ideas. We also encourage organizations to share their events for our regularly broadcast community calendar. Donations and program underwriting are other ways for businesses and individuals to invest in local arts and culture. Please contact WBDY@BundyMuseum.org to learn more about supporting Binghamton area community radio. Many thanks to Audio Classics Ltd and Action Plumbing Heating and Cooling Services for their early support.

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What do you know about the Broome Co Jail?

The Jan 19 Press and Sun Bulletin article about failure of the NYS Commission of Correction’s response to inmate grievances is barely the tip of the iceberg.  The public response to those they deem with multiple stigmas – inmate, mentally ill, and triple diagnosed developmentally impaired is to continually ignore or cut and reduce from services.  Several recent governors have ignored local needs, most recently in 2014 when the Broome County Mental Health Clinic was closed to a thousand recipients resulting in continuing waiting lists for services and denial of service especially to the DD/MI population.  No one rushed in with funding. 

Broome County decided it did not want to pay the salaries and pensions for quality mental health workers.   Remember, it is state and federal funding that provides the majority of these mental health services for the public residents.   Instead Broome County follows the mantra of the radical right to only fund police and the military by hiring a dozen correctional officers.

175 years later, Dorothea Dix would be aghast to know that the mentally ill are still being “caged” (in solitary), beaten and neglected” in our local jails.  It is a tragedy that Broome County does not have the integrity to have an independent criminal justice oversight committee.  Too many employees fear standing up for clients.  You are not aware that some inmates have waited a week to receive the grievance form they want to file.  How does that impact the “24 Hour Reports” the Comptroller recommends?  Over seventy percent of inmates are too poor to pay bail, therefore serving time before conviction.
Has the community kept up with best practices by contracting out to Correctional Medical Care at the jail?  No.   There have been several deaths at the jail.  There are many reports of inhumane medical neglect.

It is the same Broome County legislators who in 2014, and a few months ago, wanted to deny the new detox facility to their neighbors.   Five years ago if you wanted suboxone you had to go to Ithaca.  Will funding for treatment follow?  Or will they continue to cry Not MY Taxes.  Why does the local press refuse to print this information.  Who is willing to make government work for the people instead of the monthly assault that all government is totalitarianism.

Justice and Unity for the Southern Tier (J.U.S.T.) is dedicated to dismantling mass incarceration in the Southern Tier. The diverse, social conditions and institutions contributing to mass incarceration demand a multifaceted effort to devise its end. Championing community mobilizations, supports, and services to end poverty, racism, the criminalization of the differently-abled, and the school-to-prison pipeline, J.U.S.T. believes that rehabilitation, education, and persistent community engagement is the best way to bring about true change. J.U.S.T advocates with and for individuals, families and loved ones of those currently or previously incarcerated, as well as educates community members, police, schools and other community service providers about the harms of mass incarceration. We welcome all who are interested in creating a JUST community in the Southern Tier. (website www.justiceST.com)

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El Charcón Sister City Project

An invitation to join the Binghamton El Charcón Sister City Project

          Looking for a more positive approach to the immigration issue?  Greater Binghamton's sister city relationship with the rural community of El Charcón (El Salvador) promotes education, leadership training and skills training, especially for women and youth. The result: a vibrant and resilient community that offers an alternative to risking the challenging journey to the U.S. in order to find work.  We invite you to join this exciting partnership.  Contact us at BECSCP@gmail.com for more information!

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The A.C.A. is a paper tiger, we need Single Payer Health Care

The Affordable Care Act was an improvement in a totally broken national health care system. Among other benefits, it increased access for millions through the expanded Medicaid program. It prevented the denial of coverage due to pre-existing medical conditions. However, it was a “band-aid”. We need a real solution. We need universal health care NOW.

Almost 30 million Americans still have no health care coverage. Many millions more live with the risk of bankruptcy due to deductibles, coinsurance requirements and copayments. Thousands of American businesses who admirably help pay for employee health coverage are made uncompetitive relative to their overseas counterparts. Many thousands of churches, school districts and county governments struggle to maintain employee health coverage and balance their budgets as their premiums increase unpredictably and far exceeding the cost-of-living. The solution to all of these problems is SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE.

The solution to all of these problems is the United States coming together, Democrat-Republican-other, youth-aged and in-between, black-white-brown-yellow, rich-poor, gay-straight-trans-bisexual, legal citizen-illegal immigrant, male and female standing up in solidarity to DEMAND SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE NOW! In 22 countries with health insurance for all, people live longer than people in the U.S. and spend ½ the amount that we do. Indeed, 1/3 of our premium dollars are wasted on private insurers’ billing, marketing and salaries.

While the corporate masters of Congress prevent a federal solution, New Yorkers already have a single payer bill (the Gottfried-Perkins’ “N.Y. Health Act”) awaiting approval in our state legislature. In 2017 the New York Assembly passed the Act by a margin of 2 to 1. Now we need the NY State Senate to do the same. Some naysayers and concerned citizens ask, “How will this Single Payer Health Care system be funded, especially since it includes prescription drugs, dental, vision and hearing care coverage? The answer is – a graduated assessment on payroll and non-payroll taxable income. It will be based on “ability to pay”. 80% of the premiums will be covered by employers. All of the funds will be placed in a NY Health Trust Fund, administered by the NYS Health Department, overseen by consumers and providers.

Another logically asked question is – what organizations support the NY Health Act. The list continues to lengthen, but already includes the following – NYS AFL-CIO, NYS Nurses Assoc., Citizen Action, United Federation of Teachers, League of Women Voters, NYS Academy of Family Physicians, Public Citizen and over 100 NYS legislators. There is, of course, strong resistance to the passage of the Act among well-lobbied legislators. The lobbyists have the greater access to power. However, WE are the ultimate power. WE determine who represents us. WE need to step up. WE need to speak up. WE need to hold the feet of our representatives to the fire of public outcry for change. WE need to reject their complicit, self-serving actions. WE need to question their authority and motives. Health care is a human right, not a commodity for those who can afford to pay. People are the Power. Let’s unite and wield it!

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Triple Cities Carousel 5 year Anniversary

Since the day Triple Cities Carousel launched five years ago, it has been my whole life. Running a newspaper is not an easy task for anybody, but starting one from scratch in the 21st century is as Sisyphean as it gets. I have given my everything to Carousel, and that has more often than not come at the expense of my health, my relationships, my sanity, and my personal well-being. I cannot always tell where Carousel ends and I begin, because everything about the newspaper and the organization that has grown around it is so close to my heart.

I am incredibly proud of the impact Carousel has had on the local community, and I am forever grateful to the staff, advertisers, and readers who have gotten us this far. Together we have built something amazing. After this next issue goes to print, it is time for me to walk away and let Carousel continue on without me.

I’m very excited to announce that next month I’ll be stepping into the role of Marketing Director at Binghamton University's Anderson Center for the Performing Arts. This job is a dream come true for me, and I’m very much looking forward to starting this next chapter of my life.

As many of you know, Carousel was sold late last year to local media group Equinox Broadcasting. They’ve got a great team of creative, media-minded folks over there, and I have full faith that Carousel will continue on under their stewardship and grow to levels I never could have imagined. It’s not my place to announce the new editor-in-chief, but rest assured that the paper is in good hands. I, for one, am extremely excited to see what the future brings for Carousel, and for the local arts scene as a whole.

And so, friends, there is nothing left to do but party. Carousel's 5th Birthday Bash is coming up this weekend, and I hope to see you all there. We will toast, we will hug, we will cry, and we’ll dance like a bunch of maniacs.

–Chris Bodnarczuk, founder

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