Doctors and Health Professionals Warn About Health Impacts from Gas Drilling

250 doctors, health professionals and researchers sent a letter asking Gov. Andrew Cuomo to impose a three- to five-year ban on fracking in NY to allow more time for scientific studies on the health risks of gas drilling/fracking.
“I have seen kids in West Virginia with chronic nosebleeds, people who have these hacking coughs that don’t go away, who have memory problems,” said Gorby, a microbiologist , who has family in West Virginia.
American Academy of Pediatrics, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and the medical societies of Otsego and Tompkins counties and 29 doctors and nurses from the Bassett Healthcare system in Cooperstown, Otsego County signed this letter to their Governor Cuomo. Larysa Dyrszka, founder of the anti-fracking group Concerned Health Professionals of New York, said more science continues to emerge about potential risks to air and water quality from gas drilling/fracking. I keep hearing of the health impacts and risks to our health in our Shalefields of Susquehanna County, Pa. Folks report the nosebleeds, stomach ailments, respiratory issues near gas drilling where water and air contamination is present.
Contact the State Health Dept. and tell them your symptoms near the gas drilling; They are keeping a data base of reactions and ailments near gas drilling; Do we have to wait for “cancer clusters” to appear to know that our environment has been polluted?
Gov. Corbett has closed down a bunch of Health Departments in our rural communities like in Montrose , Pa..
We can’t even afford all the health depts. we had prior to gas drilling or it’s the Governor’s way to hide further the negative impacts and risks near gas drilling.
Dr. McKenzie, 215-662-2354, will see patients for evaluation for shale gas health complaints. She is associated with
We also have a clinic for gas drilling health impacts in southwestern Pa.. They can be found at :
Southwest Pennsylvania Environment Health Project
Submitted by Vera Scroggins

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Binghamton is the Birthplace of Virtual Reality? Really? Volunteers Needed!

(proposed design by Bruce Greig)


Binghamton? Virtual Reality? Yes! Not just Binghamton but 183-185 Water St., the site of the Parking Ramp by Boscov’s, is where the building blocks of VIRTUAL REALITY were developed:

1. The Bundy Manufacturing Co. (1893-1906) stood at 183-185 Water St., and became the International Time Recording Co (1906-7) and eventually IBM, which, of course, manufactured some of the first computers.
2. The Automatic Musical Co. (1907-14) took over the site to manufacture player pianos, which were robotic innovations.
3. Ed Link, famously, was sitting on the organ bellows at his father’s Link Piano Co. (1914-1933) and got the idea for the Link Flight Simulators (1929, patented 1931) and started Link Aviation and Flying School in that location (1929-34). The Link “blue box” trained WWII pilots.
4. After the devastating floods in 1935 and ’36 the building was not useable and in the late 60’s the Parking Ramp was built in two sections. The American Dance Asylum celebrated the architecture with several performances of the Parking Ramp Dance, which pioneered multi media, video feedback, and dance performances (1978, 1980, 1981, 1984).

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Sierra Club Presents History Lesson on Climate Change and Fracking Movements

“A History Lesson: The Climate Change and Fracking Movements in New York”
In the Southern Tier, we are at a rare and powerful political crossroad. Isaac Silberman-Gorn will discuss the history of the climate change movement and give a political history of the fracking movement in New York. Silberman-Gorn works with Citizen Action of NY to fight fracking in the Southern Tier and across the state.

The Susquehanna Chapter of the Sierra Club meets at 7:30 p.m. on Tues., June 17 at Central United Methodist Church, 17 Nanticoke Ave., Endicott. For more information, contact Scott Lauffer at:

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The Mayor on Blueprint Binghamton


The Blueprint Binghamton has gone through many changes during the review of Mayor Rich David and Binghamton City Council. The final plan will be up for a vote in July but many provisions have been stripped. Planning Commissioner Mark Bowers advocated “for changing language to ‘explore’ instead of ‘create’ for instance, to keep some important initiatives in the plan for the future.”

The Mayor’s comments (also attached to this article) on the Blueprint are quite revealing of his stands. In general, he is against nearly all restrictions on business and development and he is suspicious of government regulation. That is pro forma conservative Republican.

The first comment calls the 7,449 individuals involved in public input a Low percentage of involvement.” Considering he was elected by only 4,470 votes, this seems a little specious. Then he thinks that non-residents who come to Binghamton to work, do business (Binghamton is the county seat), or play are not contributors to our economic, social and cultural well-being and should not be heard.

He is unabashedly pro fracking, proposing that the City sell money to oil drilling companies for instance. He is wed to cars, more parking, and not so eager to embrace other transportation like bikes. “Too much roadway for bikes.” He refers to public art but he wonders if “anyone asked businesses if they want public art?”

The 19 pp document, which includes staff responses to his comments show his lack of preparedness and knowledge on many issues, while offering extensive opinions on things that he likes. For instance, he pushes Youth Success, a student program that promotes safer school and security officers in school. Or, promoting the Discover center and Zoo. But his understanding on Brownfield Opportunity areas like the Charles St area or the Brandywine Corridor is not up to speed.

Mayor David uses the Blueprint to pitch some of his ideas like city staff visiting businesses in town to assess needs and offer assistance to expand. He has a number of initiatives like the Binghamton Quick Response Team, Binghamton iNSPIRED (investment in cultural activities, Jumpstart Binghamton (provide investment capital).

All in all, it’s a good read and a good Blueprint to the Mayor’s priorities.

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Binghamton loses tradition of Big Splash, moves to Owego this year

I’m really happy and excited to send information out about the 4th annual Big Splash this year in Owego, NY. This year’s lineup is absolutely incredible, and is going to simply be a blast. I’ll be bringing my dancing shoes!

It is with a degree of frustration that I announce this in Owego, rather than Rec Park in Binghamton as it has been for the past 3 years. Our newly elected Mayor of the City of Binghamton, Rich David, has quickly developed a reputation as being very media savvy, and rather than go on the record as being in favor of fracking, he prefers to quietly sit on permit applications until they are too late to act on. He has allowed his petty political opinions to hurt our local businesses and community by making it incredibly difficult to obtain permits for anything at all. Big Splash draws thousands of people from out of town who spend their money locally, and show an awesome side of our City, and I’m quite unhappy to see our city lose this event.

I invite you to call the Mayor’s Office at (607) 772-7zero01, and let them know that you are not in favor of his hurting local businesses by not granting permits for events which help the City.

All of this aside, here are details on the 4th Annual Owego Big Splash Sustainability Fair:

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Addressing Low Voter Turnout in a Mid-Year Election


We have heard the pundits and read the bloggers discuss the reasons for continual low voter turnout. This problem received national attention during the special election held earlier this year in Florida. However, it is not a new phenomenon; especially here in the Binghamton area.

Historically, mid-year election voter turnout is low. However, the so-called mid year elections races are the ones that tend to have a more direct affect on our lives. A senatorial, congressional, gubernatorial, mayoral or village dog control officer race will ultimately touch on more personal topics than a presidential race. It is normally not until after all the votes are tallied that voters; especially those that did not go to the polls, begin to voice their disdain and criticism.

Many political scientists claim that it is based on “voter apathy”. I believe it goes far beyond that. It is more of the voter not being fully informed on the importance of voting during these off years. Voter education in this regard it extremely important.

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New Updates to the bridge, e-Newsletter

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your continued subscription to the binghamton bridge. the bridge has been a community publication for over 6 years, and has recently begun a revitalization effort to increase awareness of this resource. If you are interested in more detail, please read Peg Johnston’s article about these recent efforts to make the binghamton bridge website easier to read, access, and contribute to. (

The current list-serv service that is used to send the weekly e-newsletters is no longer technically supported, and it has become increasingly difficult to use the service. With that said, we will be upgrading our list-serv capabilities with Constant Contact. We ask that you confirm your subscription by signing up for the e-newsletter with this form: or click the link on under “weekly newsletter and calendar” on the right side of the homepage.

Please note that the IMC-binghamton listservs will no longer be functional. Please update your address book and send announcements to binghamtonbridgeATgmailDOTcom. Or better yet, upload events, articles, and images yourself to the site!

Thank You for Your Continued Interest in Our Community!

**Please Click Here To Donate to The Bridge, made possible by the Center for Gender, Art and Culture (CGAC)**
Any donation helps support these ongoing efforts in providing accessible local community media.

If you have any questions or comments about these updates, please contact us directly at binghamtonbridgeATgmailDOTcom.

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Off the Wall at Cooperative Gallery in July


Off the Wall Exhibit in July at the Cooperative Gallery

“We challenge you to take your art off the wall,” say the organizers of the “Off the Wall” Exhibit scheduled for July 3-26, 2014 at the Cooperative Gallery. 3-Dimensional artist are encouraged to “step out” a little with the unusual and 2 dimensional artists must create something on the ceiling, the floor, or 90 degrees from the wall. And also included are video artist, sidewalk artists, and performance artists. Contributors to this show must be members of the gallery ($30/year) and must submit their idea for Off the Wall by May 31st to ensure space availability and appropriate scheduling. Form is attached at . For more information call curators MaryRose at 5eight4-4733 or Judy at 5eight4-4715.

Events: Drop off date is June 29th, 2014
Opening Reception July 3rd 5:30- 8 pm
First Friday Art Walk July 4th 3- 9 pm

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Broome Dems and Citizen Action Launch Broome Blight Busters: Time to “Fight the Blight”

Democratic Legislators Jason Garnar and Colleen McCabe, in partnership with local officials and community groups, are each hosting district meetings to talk with constituents about the pressing challenge of blighted properties, and to share information about new funding and a civic reporting tool that could help local and county officials wage a more aggressive fight against blight.

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Blueprint Binghamton: Economic Development


The third in a Bridge series on the Blueprint Binghamton draft of the comprehensive plan. The first mini-plan in the draft Comprehensive Plan is about economic development, which is what more community members said was the most important issue—jobs, jobs, jobs! One of the things that the consultants to the Blueprint were able to do is look at what opportunities exist for Binghamton.

One is location–we are the intersection of three major interstates and three freight railways. Along that intersection, there is an area called “Brownfield Opportunity Area” or “BOA.” Brownfields are industrial lands that have been polluted and are eligible for development. This land along the Brandywine Highway could be the source for job growth. Creating an “Industrial Protection Zone” would gradually encourage the area as industrial with no patches of commercial or residential in between.

Another recommendation that will resonate on First Fridays is: Utilize the arts and heritage tourism to help spur economic development. Yes, let’s make Binghamton a destination for arts and culture more than on the first Friday of the month. Another point is to leverage local institutions like universities and hospitals for local jobs that service these institutions or pop up as a result of their activities.

You can read the Economic Development mini-plan here and be sure to take the survey after each mini-plan. Also visit the Blueprint Binghamton Facebook page.

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