
City Of Binghamton Now Accepting Applications For Public Art Advisory Board


The Dept of Public Art (DPA), Citizen Action of New York, and other groups helped spread the word when the Public Art Advisory Board (then called the Public Art Commssion) was up for review at City Council Public Hearings in late December of 2013, and over 100 City residents expressed their support in under 1 week.

There were still Multiple Hearings about the board and a name change, but finally the Public Art Advisory Board / Commission was passed unanimously in Binghamton City Council on March 5th, 2014. The City of Binghamton is now officially accepting applications of people who are interested in serving on the Public Art Advisory Board! See the below press advisory for more detail. (click read more)

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Binghamton Brings More Than Shifty Neighbors


Binghamton New York is a city which has recently taken a dive, but which is beloved by its residents. The city itself has witnessed better economic times and has succumbed somewhat to the drug traffic between New York City and Syracuse, but its beauty is still in the background and there are people who aim to bring Binghamton back to its former glory. The city is home to a fair deal of drug trafficking which could be worse if the people of Binghamton did not hold a love of their city and demand control of the drug trade. Binghamton has much more to offer than its reputation of being a stopover for New York City vagrants, and it shows through numerous businesses and groups who want to breathe new life into Binghamton.

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Looking for Mural History in Binghamton


Kady Perry has posted the following query:
I am writing to you to include you on a small project I am working on to document the history of murals in Binghamton/Broome County. I am asking for the who, what, where, when, why and how of your mural project(s) in an effort to build on the rich history of murals in Binghamton. Please see attached. The information that you provide will be included in the timeline that is being created. I will be adding this information to mural publications for the Greater Binghamton area and national websites.

As you may know I entered the scene in 2008, when I conducted research at BU on space and place making. I painted my first mural that year, launched a creative collective in 2010 (QuarterYellow), helped organize 4 mural projects in 2011, started to manage a gallery in 2012 and then helped to launch the Dept of Public Art (DPA) in 2013. In 2014 the community worked to pass ordinance RL-13-193 establishing an advisory board for public art. In addition, this year I am working with the Director of the Philly Mural Arts program to build up the DPA, am managing 4 public art projects in downtown Binghamton, partnering with reBOLD Binghamotn to have a May Mural Arts Festival, hosting a mural jam in August and will be teaching ARTS 230 Producing Public Murals this June at BCC. In 2015 I hope to launch a mural arts company with my partner Bruce Greig.

I am not fully aware of past projects and find it very important to include information on them. Also, please let me know if you are engaged in any future projects, so that they can be documented as well. QuarterYellow@gmail.com.

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Binghamton Bridge Celebrates Six Years: Revitalization Now In Progress


Six years ago this month in 2009, the website binghamtonbridge.org was created by Stephen Schweitzer and Peg Johnston as a news site and calendar for the local progressive community. The newspaper called the bridge had been published for 3 or 4 years prior to that with decreasing frequency. Known for excellent political analysis and local coverage of progressive issues, the bridge finally could not afford the high cost of printing a newspaper.

Both venues were part of the Binghamton Independent Media Center, which is part of a global network of IMC’s. In some places, where freedom of speech is limited, the IMC’s are the only places where it is possible to speak out and organize.

Articles have been posted continuously on the bridge and a calendar has been sent out every week for all six years of its existence. Sometimes the bridge has been critical in getting the word out: when City Hall installed a digital “Cost of War” clock and critics dominated the mainstream media coverage, progressives were able to read posts from those who opposed the Iraq War. Another example was when Michael Libous, Senator Libous’ nephew, wrote an open letter about gay marriage. The Press would not print it, but when posted on the binghamton bridge site it became an issue that was covered by the media.

In the past two months, Peg Johnston and Shawna Stevenson have spearheaded a revitalization of the site. “It is our vision to have a place where progressives can communicate in an in-depth way about their activities and ideas,” said Johnston. “Grassroots activists can broaden their reach and deepen people’s understanding of their issues.” So far, Stevenson has changed the look of the site with a new banner of the many bridges in Binghamton, made the site more user friendly, and sorted out numerous technical issues. She has also streamlined the weekly e-calendar/newsletter to be more readable.

Next, the pair plan to recruit more “community reporters” to keep up the current rate of posts. Posting articles on the site can provide the “back story” for local organizing and provide history, background, national significance, as well as local initiatives. This is useful for folks who are not conversant in an issue, but want to understand it or possibly get involved. Groups can also advertise events and campaigns. Once an article is posted, a link or url is generated that can be shared with contacts via Facebook, Twitter, emails, or other outlets. These articles will last for years and can be found with the new search function on the site. “We want to build community through communication,” said Stevenson, “and help local projects increase their exposure.”

cgac_logo.jpgRegistration to post on the bridge is simple with a valid email address, and posting articles and events easy to figure out. Click on the newsletter link on the right hand side of the site to sign up for the weekly e-calendar/newsletter. The site is managed by the Center for Gender, Art, and Culture, an umbrella organization for progressive projects. Donations are most welcome!

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Blueprint binghamton : Comprehensive Plan


City of Binghamton To Announce Release Of Draft Comprehensive Plan
Plans Are Result Of Extensive 18-Month Community Outreach Effort

(CITY of BINGHAMTON, N.Y.) The City of Binghamton will announce the release of its draft Comprehensive Plan and Main/Court Street Corridor Plan on Monday, March 24 at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall’s 2nd Floor Art Gallery. Mayor Richard C. David will join members of City Council to announce the release. The plans are the result of an extensive 18-month community outreach effort known as Blueprint Binghamton: Forward Together.

“It’s important to raise awareness for public input in this process,” said Mayor David. “It’s important that residents voice their opinions and ideas about this plan, which will be a guiding blueprint for the growth and development of our community for years to come.”

A Comprehensive Plan is a state-mandated document that describes municipal policies and actions related to land use, neighborhoods, transportation, infrastructure, economic development and quality of life. The City’s last Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2003.

The 2014 Comprehensive Plan is divided into seven mini-plans, including: Economic Development, Housing, Transportation, Infrastructure, Environment & Open Space, Land Use & Zoning and Community Building. Each mini-plan includes an analysis of existing conditions and summary of key issues, an overview of community input, a series of goals and objectives that relate to the overall vision of the plan and strategy recommendations and action steps to guide implementation.

The Main/Court Street Corridor Plan is a revamped zoning code for the 1.7 mile Main Street-Court Street corridor, excluding the downtown district. The new zoning code is “form-based,” focusing less on land use and density and more on size, form and placement of buildings and parking.

The proposed Code encourages mixed use development and walkability while significantly streamlining the approval process. Upon adoption of the Code, property owners and developers with find a clear, accessible set of zoning requirements.

Blueprint Binghamton was one of several initiatives funded by a $486,058 grant from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a federal collaboration between the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation.

The following public meetings are scheduled to collect and discuss comments on the plans:

· Monday, May 5th 6:30PM – Planning Commission Public Hearing – City Council Chambers
· Wednesday, May 7th 6:30PM – City Council Public Hearing 1 – City Council Chambers
· Monday, May 12th 5:00PM – Joint City Council & Planning Commission Session 1 – Broome County Public Library, Decker Room
· Wednesday, May 14th 5:00PM – Joint City Council & Planning Commission Session 2 – Broome County Public Library, Decker Room
· Wednesday, June 18th 6:30PM – City Council Public Hearing 2 – City Council Chambers

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This summer: Murals in Binghamton

A perfect storm is gathering and all the elements are aligning for what may be one of the most intriguing and exciting summers that Binghamton has ever seen.

For several years, a group of local people of all ages, who call themselves the DPA (Department of Public Art) have been planning for the time when all the forces are right, and it appears that the time is this spring and summer.

On a parallel plane, a group of students at Binghamton University have also been planning to create dynamic and exciting art for the public. These two groups will converge on the 26th of March at 7pm at the Cooperative Gallery to share and plan for this exciting time.

ManOne, a graffiti and mural artist is coming to Binghamton University campus on March 25th the old Union Hall to talk about how he helped transform downtown LA with his art. The Department of Public Art has asked that he join in the meeting on the 26th share their common goal.

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WANTED: Gardeners not Prisoners


There are more full time prisoners in America than full time farmers according to Bill McKibben in his latest book, Oil and Honey. I want to help change that. The farmer and writer, Masanobu Fukuoka best explains why. “Farming is the cultivation of better human beings.”
‘Better’ to me means being more compassionate, productive and healthy. ‘Better’ to me means not being a financial burden to society. ‘Better’ to me means being more integrated into a community capable of sustaining itself in times of economic and/or environmental crisis.
Following is a proposed community action project designed to address this concern. Specific project decisions will be made by consensus and in compliance with Broome County Corrections Administration requirements.

County Jail Gardening Project

In a time when people with college degrees struggle to get gainful employment, it is obvious how difficult it must be for an applicant with a conviction in their record to get a job. This, in addition to the fact that our nation’s incarceration rate often leads the world, disturbs me a lot. Great human resources are lost as too many unlucky men and women are being both economically and socially disadvantaged by the current system. This project is designed to reduce this waste of human capital by building mutually beneficial relationships between non incarcerated and incarcerated members toward a more resilient community.
Our project’s mission is to build human resources through gardening activities that join incarcerated with non incarcerated community members. Beautification, job training and growing community resilience are the goals of the project.
If you’re a gardener or want to learn how to garden and are interested in social justice community action at the Broome County Corrections Facility, please get back me at 607 797 9126. After preliminary application and I.D. checks are done, a four hour security orientation session (sometime in May or early June) is required. If you want to help build community in a new and sustainable way, this project is for you.

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Man One: Mural Arts in Binghamton TUES & WED!!

On March 25 AND 26th, ManOne will be in Binghamton to engage with the Binghamton and BU Communities about public art. He has just agreed to speak at a community meeting sponsored by the Dept. of Public Art on Wednesday March 26th (gather at 6:30 program at 7 pm) at the Cooperative Gallery 213 State St. Binghamton.

BU’s GEN10, whose mission is to lead innovation and creativity in our city, to change mindsets, and transform culture, is flying an urban artist from LA, Man One, into Binghamton to visit and interact with people in the community. Man One transformed downtown L.A. with the power of art, and now he wants to do the same in Binghamton!

Along with a number of other highly involved community members and organizations we will be hosting a speaking event where he will share his story and offer guidance on how to make Binghamton a better place to live, work, and enjoy. The Tuesday March 25th event will be held at 7pm in Old Union Hall on the Binghamton University Campus.

This is part of a bigger plan to put on a downtown Binghamton Mural Festival in May, with Man One as the catalyst for change. This will involve all segments of the community and the meetings he will have with residents will inform the murals we can create. For more information contact binghamtonbridge@ gmail.com.

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City council votes ‘Aye’ for Public Art Advisory Board, Mayor David approves

After multiple public hearings and vocal support from the Binghamton community, City Council has voted in favor of the Public Art Advisory Board.

On Wednesday, March 5th, during City Council’s Business Meeting, Proposed Local Law 14-1 was unanimously co-sponsored and passed, establishing a Public Art Advisory Board. Councilman Motsavage introduced it to the council, stating that although they would like to clarify parts of the legislation later through amendments, such as the residency requirement for appointed members, this was something that should be passed now to get efforts started.

In the next coming months we should see the Mayor begin requesting letters of interest from the public. Mayor David will be responsible for five appointments onto the board, three of which must be professionals in the field of visual arts, graphic design, or architecture. Anyone may submit a letter of interest for a position in the board. More details to come.

Update: The Department of Public Art (DPA) is planning on hosting an event around the efforts and visions of local groups to promote public art in the City on Wednesday, March 26th at 7pm at the Cooperative Gallery 213 on State Street, Binghamton. This is a great opportunity to stay involved in the local arts and share your vision with other interested members of the community! Contact binghamtonbridgeATgmailDOTcom for more details.

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