Wee Folk Mini Garden Contest 2020

Magic Friends, get out your tiny rakes and trowels… find some moss and magic… and make a Fairy Garden!

Anyone, anywhere, can enter.

The winners will be chosen from different categories so everyone has a chance to be a winner… from the very youngest to the oldest granny – just keep in mind that should you be chosen as a Fan Favorite, you will need to be able to get your Mini Garden to us by no later than Friday, January 31st., to be showcased/displayed.


October 1 – December 15, 2019: Register to Participate

January 12, 2020: Deadline to have your entry PIXS to us

January 15 – January 25, 2020: CONTEST ONLINE

January 26, 2020: Winners Announced

January 28 – January 31, 2020 – Winning Gardens Dropped Off for Display

February 1, 2020- Fairy Crawl – Kick-Off Event (more details coming soon)

February 1 – February 29, 2020 – Winning Gardens Displayed at The Bundy Museum

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