Single Payer Health Care in America NOW


                                         An unpublished op/ed submitted to Binghamton Press 

                                                                By Richard Masters

Sick people are still dying in the U.S. for lack of medical care or going bankrupt from medical bills. Thirty Million have no insurance at all. Only in America! Every other industrialized country in the world – EXCEPT the U.S. – provides its citizens with health care as a right. Even some Central American countries and Mexico provide government funded Health care. Polls show that a majority of our people would prefer a single payer system, but both major parties say it can't be done. We can't afford it. At the same time, both parties voted to increase the pentagon budget by $160 billion over the next two years. It seems that there's always money for war, while programs like food stamps are being cut, and single payer is, of course, out of the question. Right now, there is only one major party in the U.S. – the MONEY party. One wing is the Democrats; the other is the Republicans. Both are responsive only to their big donors: corporations and the 1%. Don't expect the Money party to embrace Single payer. It doesn't benefit the donors. The Green Party endorses Single payer. Don't waste your vote on the Money party. Vote GREEN!

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Winners of Smartphone Photo Contest

Winners Announced Smartphone Photo Contest & Exhibit at Cooperative Gallery

Kalindi Naslund won both the First Prize and People’s Choice Award in the Smartphone Photo Contest for her photo “Tour Eiffel, Paris 2017” taken from Sacre Coeur Basilica.  Second Prize was awarded to Jonathan Cohen for his dramatic sunset of “Port Orange, FL.”  (pictured above)  Lori Warfield won Third Prize for a winter forest scene called “Sentinels.” The winners shared $500 in prizes. Proceeds from the entry fees will also benefit the Dept. of Public Art for its Mural projects.

Honorable Mentions were awarded to Carrianne Fairbairn for “Summer Nights,” Tim Sullivan for “Shades of  Night,” Amy Cousins for “Dancing in the Night,” Cassarah E. Jones for “ “While the Rooster Crows,” and Peg Johnston for “Scrabble.” Joshua Bernard judged the contest .

The Smartphone Photo Contest will be open one more week Friday March 23rd from 3-6 and Saturday March 24th, 12-4 pm at the Cooperative Gallery 213 State St. in Binghamton.

The first-ever local Smartphone Photo Contest and Exhibit attracted 49 photographers showing 121 photos snapped on their phones. According to Peg Johnston, curator of the show, “First timers, amateurs, and professional photographers all tried their hands at photos taken with their phones with remarkable results.”

Peg Johnston has been a member of the Cooperative Gallery since its inception in 2000 and has mounted several installations and curated exhibits including the “TRASH Eco Art” exhibit, “Binghamton: A Memoir,” and the “Book as Art” show. In 2016 she received the Heart of the Arts Award from the Broome County Arts Council.

The Cooperative Gallery, a popular stop on the First Friday Art Walk, located at Artists Row –State of the Art, at 213 State Street in Binghamton, is open on First Friday 3- 9 pm and regularly Fridays from 3-6 and Saturdays from 12- 4 pm.  A free weekly e-newsletter is available by signing up at or on Facebook  at Cooperative Gallery 213.

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121 Photos at the Smartphone Photo Contest

Smartphone Photo Contest & Exhibit at Cooperative Gallery

When the first-ever local Smartphone Photo Contest and Exhibit opens at the Cooperative Gallery 49 photographers will show 121 photos snapped on their phones. The state of emergency cancelled First Friday but the gallery is open Fridays 3-6 and Saturdays 12-4. According to Peg Johnston, curator of the show, “Smartphone photos are ubiquitous on social media and at all gatherings, and I am impressed with both the sheer beauty and often the serendipity of the images these people have captured.”

Joshua B. Ludski will be the judge for the contest and there will also be voting for a People’s Choice Award. Cash prizes will be awarded at 1 pm on Saturday March 17th.  Proceeds from the entry fees will split between cash prizes for winners and a donation to the Dept. of Public Art. Participating photographers will gather for a Gallery Tour including brief presentations by entrants.  The public is welcome.

Peg Johnston has been a member of the Cooperative Gallery since its inception in 2000 and has mounted several installations and curated exhibits including the “TRASH Eco Art” exhibit, “Binghamton: A Memoir,” and the “Book as Art” show. In 2016 she received the Heart of the Arts Award from the Broome County Arts Council.

The Cooperative Gallery, a popular stop on the First Friday Art Walk, located at Artists Row –State of the Art, at 213 State Street in Binghamton, is open on First Friday 3- 9 pm and regularly Fridays from 3-6 and Saturdays from 12- 4 pm.  A free weekly e-newsletter is available by signing up at or on Facebook  at Cooperative Gallery 213.

Photo: “Phones at the Ready” a photo of the Carnegie Library at the Luma Projection Festival by Peg Johnston



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Amazon: Resisting the Monopoly

It is becoming harder and harder to have a locally owned business and as a consumer, to buy local. Amazon is now the default for many shoppers and is rubbing out any competition be it local or national. An article in The Nation details the many ways the Amazon stacks the deck against entrepreneurs. And, as progressively minded citizens know, local dollars tend to stay local and help the local economy much more than money spent in big box stores, and certainly in online stores. Amazon affiliates with smaller entrepreneurs but, as this article details, at increasingly unfavorable terms. Now we need to support alternatives even if they are a bit more inconvenient or expensive. For instance, is an online bookseller affiliated with small businesses all over and they have great service, support the little guy.  Is it possible to get along without Amazon?  Let's find out!

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Economic Development: Does It Add Up?

Maybe it’s me, but it just doesn’t add up.  What I’m referring to is our Regional Economic Development Council (REDC).  I was never good at math, but I can do arithmetic. In the 2017 Progress Report for our REDC (Pg. #20) there are two tables.  Using these tables I found the following: In the six years between 2011 and 2016 we committed $276,028,945 of State funding. Based on this investment, we created 2,219 jobs.  If I simply divide the number of jobs created by the dollars invested, that is $124,393.40 per job.

If I look at this differently, these tables also show how these State dollars leveraged private investment.  These leveraged funds generated 460 projects totaling $1.444 billion.  It also quantifies the number of jobs retained by these investments (16,077).    So the total number of jobs created and retained is 18,296. This arithmetic ($1.444 billion divided by 18,296 jobs) yields a cost per job of $78,847.56. Does that seem high to you?  It does to me!

Now here is my problem.  In a recent needs assessment commissioned by the Community Foundation of South Central NY (Oct. 2015) and prepared by Horn Research LLC revealed the following: Of the five counties surveyed (Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego and Tioga) Broome County had the highest number of people living in poverty 17.4%. This is an increase from 2000, when it was 12.8%. It is worth noting that the Statewide Poverty Rate is 15.6% and the National Poverty Rate in 2016 was 12.7% (US Census Bureau).  Of those living in poverty, children are the largest affected population. In Broome Co. 25.3% of children (under 18) live in poverty.  This is an increase from 2000 when the number was 15.9%. Coupled with this, pockets of high childhood poverty exist. In the City of Binghamton 47.3% of our children live in poverty.

Now, if we consider those living above the poverty level, but not making anything near the “Household Survival Budget” (United Way) the picture is even bleaker.  United Way has coined a new acronym, ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed).  These are folks who make more than the US Poverty Level ($11,670 for an individual and $23,850 for a family of four).  The Household Survival Budget reflects a need of $19,380 for individuals and $56,964 for a family of four.  In Broome County these ALICE individuals represent 26% of our population. So if we combine those living in poverty (17.4%) and the ALICE population (26%) approximately 43% of Broome Co. residents are struggling to survive.

We need jobs!  We need gainful and meaningful employment.  To achieve this we need a real dialogue among all concerned stakeholders.  This would be similar to the recent collaborative efforts to address our Opiod crisis.  We need a new approach to how we do economic development, including who should be at the table.  Clearly the numbers do not add up!

by Mark D. Bowers


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Local Photographer Wins National Prize

Four of Nancy Basmann’s work displayed at the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center in Nashville, Jan. 14-16, 2018, as part of International Photographic Exhibit.   Basmann on 15 Jan. received from the American Society of Photographers a Northeast District Medallion Award in honor of her award-w image “Addict”.

Basmann was named a Silver Medalist during Professional Photographers of America's 2017 International Photographic Competition. A panel of 33 eminent jurors from across the United States selected the top photographs from nearly 5,800 total submitted entries at Gwinnett Technical College in Georgia. Judged against a standard of excellence, 2,660 images were selected for the General Collection and 644 (roughly 11 percent) were selected for the esteemed Loan Collection—the best of the best. The Loan Collection images will all be published in the much-anticipated "Loan Collection" book and over 200 selected General Collection images will be published in the "Showcase" book by Marathon Press.  

The level of the award is determined by how many of those four images receive the highest possible honor: acceptance into the PPA Loan Collection, which is displayed at photographic exhibitions, conventions and other photography events. Basmann was named a Silver Medalist, meaning that one of her four merited images entered the PPA Loan Collection. She was one of only 108 Silver Medalists.  She also has a portrait in the Showcase Collection.

Professional Photographers of America (PPA), which has 30,000 members, is the largest international nonprofit association created by professional photographers.

Basmann’s award-winning images appear on her website

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Smartphone Photo Contest and Exhibit

First Ever Local Smartphone Photo Contest/Exhibit and Activities at Cooperative Gallery

The first-ever local Smartphone Photo Contest and Exhibit will open First Friday March 2nd at the Cooperative Gallery 213 and run until March 24th. According to Peg Johnston, curator of the show, “Smartphone photos are ubiquitous on social media and at all gatherings, and I am curating this show to see the best of our smartphone pictures on the wall of a gallery.”

In advance of the Smartphone Photo Contest and Exhibit at the Cooperative Gallery, fine art photographer JW Johnston shares techniques to produce smartphone images worthy of a gallery wall.  During his free, 90-minute presentation J.W. introduces you to image capture and editing apps he uses and shows how to apply photographic technical and creative fundamentals when using your phone. Johnston (no relation) is a professional photographer and instructor at SUNY Broome; his website is at

Participating photographers will gather for a Gallery Tour including brief presentations by entrants and lots of tech talk. The announcement of winners of People’s Choice and other Judges’ Choice awards at 1 pm on Saturday March 17th.  The public is welcome.

The Smartphone Photo Contest and Exhibit is an open themed show and there will be cash prizes including People’s Choice as well as Judge’s Choice. The drop off for entries to the Smartphone Photo Contest/Exhibit is Feb 24-25, 12-4 pm each day at the Cooperative Gallery 213 State St. Binghamton. Each person may submit up to 3 photos and the entry fee is $10 per photo with proceeds split between cash prizes for winners and a donation to the Dept. of Public Art. Photos must be ready to hang on the wall and may be offered for sale; sales are subject to 20% commission to the Gallery. More info and registration at or watch for updates on the Facebook Event at Cooperative Gallery 213.

The Cooperative Gallery, a popular stop on the First Friday Art Walk, located at Artists Row –State of the Art, at 213 State Street in Binghamton, is open on First Friday 3- 9 pm and regularly Fridays from 3-6 and Saturdays from 12- 4 pm.  A free weekly e-newsletter is available by signing up at or on Facebook  at Cooperative Gallery 213.

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Women’s March Huge

March organizers estimates 2500 participants at the anniversary of last year's Women's March protesting the inauguration of Donald Trump as President and his regressive agenda. Ironically, on the first anniversary of his inauguration the US government is shut down, a fact not lost on the crowd Saturday. At the post March gathering at the First Presbyterian Church overflow crowds vowed to get out the women's vote and elect more women, in line with the national agenda of the Women's March Committee.

Local groups such as Citizen Action, Indivisible, NAACP, Family Planning, and PLOT tabled at the event and will campaign for a progressive agenda, including the defeat of Claudia Tenney, conservative Republican Congresswoman for this district.

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Women’s Suffrage Exhibit at BU

Vote for Woman Suffrage! Commemorating 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage in New York State, 1917-2017 exhibit explores the suffrage movement from the Seneca Falls Convention to the fight by suffrage organizations in the Triple Cities for the woman’s right to vote. Items from the re-enactment of the 1913 Binghamton suffrage parade and the 2017 Women’s March will be on display as well.

Vote for Woman Suffrage! exhibit is located in the Libraries’ Special Collections and University Archives Department in Bartle Library. The exhibit will be on display from November 15, 2017 through January 31, 2018. Special Collections is open from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For additional information about the exhibit, contact the University Archivist Yvonne Deligato at 777-6459 or

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