Sierra Club Awards Adam Flint

Join us Tuesday September 19 at 7:30 PM for a Zoom meeting where we will present the Lynda Spickard Environmental Award to Adam Flint, Clean Energy Programs Director of Network for a Sustainable Tomorrow. Adam’s bio can be seen here – The award is a recognition of people in our area who have contributed

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IDA ignores local voices–Wind Turbines

  by  Anne Lawrence, A disturbing disclosure at last night’s meeting indicated that the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) had already included PILOT money in their 2021 budget before they even voted on accepting new financial terms for an industrial wind project in eastern Broome county. This revelation shows that county and state authorities hold

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Small in a Square Exhibit and Sale

UPDATED 12/24/20 All Cooperative Gallery members–both supporting and exhibiting members– are exhibiting small works January through February, to a special show that will also raise badly needed funds for the Cooperative Gallery, “Small in a Square.” According to Gallery President Karen Kuff-Demicco, “We are excited to be back exhibiting original art and we are also

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Abortion Onscreen in 2020

In a year marred by unparalleled turbulence, 2020’s television and movies provided both a welcome escape from and a weary reflection of our tumultuous reality, and this year’s depictions of abortion are no exception. This year, we saw far fewer abortion plotlines on television (only 31 in 2020, compared to 43 in 2019), but a

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Mutual Aid in 2020

 by Andy Piascik               Mutual aid has been around a long time. For many people who practice mutual aid, it is not known by that name. Rather, it is simply a common sense activity essential to the survival of human communities. When you see members of your village or tribe or city or even

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Bring Them Home for the Holidays

Community Activists Rally on COVID in the BC Jail The dire predictions of activists and health experts have come true. The Broome County Jail, for the second time this year, is a COVID-19 hotspot. This was anticipated. Yet county officials did little to prevent or mitigate outbreaks. After initially denying the outbreak’s significance, county leaders

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